All Work and No Rest

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello Everyone in this Great Community

    Hope your day is going splendid,
    Its has been quite a time since I last wrote in this amazing community, i have been busy offline hence my time online was short, but am glad i had enough time to write in this great community.
    Today i would be writing my experiences about Sleep,
    As important as making money is, it is more important too to take care of yourself too,


    One of the ways of maintaining a profitable and effective life is by Resting. Sleep is one of the most important form of rest.
    Many people tends to overlook the importance of having adequate sleep.

    What is Sleep?
    Sleep can be defined as a state of reduced mental and physical activity in which consciousness is altered and certain sensory activity is inhibited.
    During sleep, there is limited muscle movement.
    Good sleep improves your brain performance, mood, and health.
    Not getting enough quality sleep regularly raises the risk of many diseases and disorders. These range from heart disease and stroke to obesity and dementia.

    Haven seen the Merits of Sleeping and the Harms that comes around when you don't have good sleep, lets now delve deeply into a very striking questions.


    How much sleep do we need ?
    As Adults we grow through the Mentality of Sleep less if you want to make more money, but is that truly an healthy lifestyle?
    The answer is No. As Adults we need to Sleep for A minimum of 7hours to 9hours , in order for our body to have the rest needed to work appropriately.

    Taking myself as an example, i have a lot of tasks to be done per day, and it just looks like 24Hours is not Enough for each day lol, but i have one big secret that helps me balance my work and Sleep.


    Just like i told you earlier on this post that 24hours doesn't seem enough for my Schedules, here is the simple things i do:
    *I sleep two times a day, yeah you heard me right. I sleep at Night and in the Afternoon.
    Basically i keep working on tasks till around 11 pm at Night, i pray and meditate on the Bible from 11pm to 12pm, then i would go to sleep by 12pm to 5:30am, i bath and go for Early morning Prayers in the church by 6am to 7am. After church, i work on my Tasks and then by 12pm , i would take a Nap for 30minuted to 1hours.
    The Afternoon Naps are so important to me that, immediately after i take my afternoon naps my body gets Refreshed and i feel more productive in the course of the day.

    Do you consider yourself an early bird or a night owl?
    I am an early bird, i wake up as early as 5am in the morning, i go for morning prayers before my activities for the day commence.
    Do i work all Night? No i don't, i take my Night sleep very seriously, the only activity that keep me awake during the Night is Night vigils in the church or if perhaps i was watching a movie that is super interesting. Am not a movie guy, but once a movie caught me attention and really interest me, i can watch it all night.


    Do my activities clash with my sleep time
    Yes, many a time i ended up not sleeping in the afternoon because of unforseen circumstances, there is no perfect or Absolute schedules.



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