My Actifit Report Card: May 10 2024

in voilk •  2 months ago


    Hello Cryptoworld!

    Hello actifiters and crypto-friends!
    I hope you’re doing well and creating more Satochis en wherever coin as HIVE, LEO while prices are low. When rally comes the little rewards will surprise you.

    This is my report for yesterday Thursday 9 May 2024.
    I didn’t have a good sleep. My day was like just surviving the day… i was a busy at evening shift. How i wanted to leave and go to sleep. Lots of things loaded at same time in life makes feel heavy sometimes; but that’s life.
    I did a couple of mistakes when ending orders… and repeated myself to focus on job and stop thinking on the things pending to solve. I think one of the precious things of working is that it forces you to think too much on the issue bothering our mind.

    At end of shift i took a picture of the shapes of water with some sanitizer. It looks great to see strange shapes made from nobody but physics.

    Later at midnight when going hone i took a picture a Rolls Royce, how elegant it looks.

    That’s all for now my friends!

    Have a great and fruitful day!

    Thank you for your support and following!
    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

    Aerobics,Bootcamp,Chasing Pokemons,Daily Activity,Geocaching,Gym,Hiking,Jogging,House Chores,Photowalking,Running,Walking

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