When the men outnumber the women at a Bunny Hash

in voilk •  5 months ago

    The "Bunny Hash" was originally devised because of the fact that the Hash House Harriers were originally meant to be a men only running / drinking club. Later, when things became a bit more modern most Hashes transitioned to be "mixed runs" including both men and women but larger chapters like our own still kept the men only policy in effect for all Monday runs. It was never meant to be sexist because as we always say in the Hash "we have no rules, only traditions."

    Well the Bunny Hash was developed as an answer to the weekly men-only runs and its real intention was to be women only but often there simply aren't enough members to the Bunny Runs and they have to open up the invitation to the men in our ranks as well. This past time, although unintentionally, there were more "bucks" than "bunnies" on the run.


    The men don't try to take control in these situations because we respect the fact that the Bunnies have their own management and they get to make all the rules. When men do turn up to these things we expect to be treated extra bad and of course, there must be skirts and headdresses worn during the post-run circle as well.


    This is just fine by us because in a way we are actually invading the Bunny territory anyway but for whatever reasons there just hasn't been much bunny participation lately so the men were invited to fill in the void.


    One of the great benefits of being invited to a Bunny Hash is that they always put great emphasis on having food afterwards. There is an ongoing joke in Thailand that Thai women can't go for more than a couple of hours of food and will experience "hue cow" (I'm hungry) if the time arises when they are foodless for more than say 130 minutes. The male Hashes almost never have anything to eat other than some bananas or chips so we always welcome this wonderful surprise.


    They don't even expect us to help at all and that makes it even better. Their GM makes sure that all the cross-dressed "women" get put on the ice an extra amount of times but we don't mind, it is expected and appreciated because after all, getting put on the ice only means that you are going to have to drink more beer and well, I personally don't mind that at all.

    We are still doing thrice weekly runs every week and all are welcome to join. You do not need to be a member to come and run and have some fun with us. Find full details at our poorly made and barely functioning website if you want to come along.


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