Football, a bit of rain, and eroticism... Yes, Women have a "B" side too [A Weekend Experiences's Story]

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Some things cannot be explained. And I think it's better that way. I mean, life has certain surprises that dazzle you and revolutionise the routine of an ordinary day. Something similar happened to me last Saturday... I went with my boyfriend to a local football match, in the neighbouring city of Valencia, and three wonderful, pleasant and frankly beautiful things happened to me. It doesn't make much sense for me, just in the first paragraph, to reveal what happened, does it? So, make yourselves comfortable and I hope this short story inspires and pleases you. After all, the experiences we live through on the weekends are supposed to amaze us....

    Normally, women are not fascinated by all that football has to offer. This is not particularly the case for me. Although I'm not a fanatic who goes to the stadium every Sunday, I've always had a huge affection for it since I was a child. I love the whole atmosphere behind such a passionate, beautiful sport, which arouses emotions wherever the ball rolls... In that sense, I confess that I went to that game but I am not a fan of that team. Basically, that day my boyfriend was supposed to go to cover that match as a journalist.

    Well, there I was. Sitting in the highest part of the stadium. The fans of the home team were raising the tone with their chants and support. It was 38, 39 degrees Celsius in the shade, and the humidity was dreadful. Nothing made you think that in less than 40 minutes (always following the chronology of the story) a quick but powerful downpour was going to fall? That day, I decided to go in a skirt, comfortable trainers and my hair tied back... I swear I don't know how it all started. I only think I know that it was due to the temperature, or maybe something in the atmosphere of the moment...

    And without thinking too much about it, I kissed my boyfriend. Which isn't too strange.... But you know when I say "kissing".... I wish I could have been able to relate my boyfriend's face. Haha, I love that face.... Honestly, I've come to think that there's something voyeuristic about me and my preferences. It's not the first time something like this has happened to me. Obviously, I didn't plan anything. It just happened. One thing quickly led to another, and although we didn't do anything from a sexual point of view, I would be lying if I didn't confess that the energy, the eroticism was palpable, undeniable.

    I doubt very much that it was the ambient temperature. We were both hot... Yes, to the touch! Don't be so wrong-headed... Then, football became not so important. Near the end of the game, around the 80th minute, we decided to leave. We went to the car, and immediately after getting out of our seats and arriving in the area immediately outside the car parks, a downpour began that turned the colours a wonderful blue. We both got soaked. It didn't have to be exactly like that, but we decided to get wet; literally and not figuratively....

    Let me make it clear, I don't intend to read myself as shameless or to be misperceived. This is just a brief confession, which is related to a series of unrelated events, which contributed to a special, spectacular and fun experience. That said, I return to the path of my brief story.... We got wet, the rain soaked us. Although it didn't rain for hours, but in a matter of minutes, it did help the feeling of suffocation and humidity go down a bit. In retrospect, I am very grateful and appreciative. At the moment, the arrival of spring in my city reaches 40 degrees, and it is a martyrdom.

    We did what lovers do when they feel they must (if you know what I mean...) His car put up with us. The routine took a back seat. And that "B" side that every woman has, in this case came back to me.... I'm not saying that I provoked it completely on my own, but I did incite certain things.... I like having that power and that control. I love how I feel when I'm in those situations, and I think it brings a variation to my life and my relationship that doesn't normally come up. Sometimes, it's the explosive and spontaneous that, more and more, marks us. And, honestly, I ask you: wouldn't you like to have something like that happen to you too?

    All the photographs in this post were taken by me. Therefore, they belong to me.

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