Mi experiencias: Almorzando pescado con camarones [ESP-ENG]

in voilk •  2 months ago








    Algunos meses tenia sin almorzar pescado; aunque debo de confesar que este pescado con camarones rebozado en salsa blanca; supero todas mis expectativas culinarias sobre este restaurante ubicado en la Avenida principal de Pampatar, Margarita. Donde íbamos almorzar junto con nuestro anfitrión mi cuñado Gabriel; ya que estábamos de vacaciones playeras. La presentación del plato impecable a simple vista apetitoso, una rueda de pescado cocinado al vapor; sobre el mismo camarones en salsa blanca con champiñones; una explosión deliciosa de sabor en mi paladar. Realmente exquisita la comida; ordenamos de bebida vino y brindamos por estar allí, por nuestro encuentro. Debo destacar que la atención de los mesoneros y personal que labora allí fue excelente; el lugar es agradable; música suave y acertada decoración. Gabriel dice que viene con frecuencia a comer o tomar algo. Todo estuvo genial. GRACIAS POR LEER.


    I had not had fish for lunch for some months; although I must confess that this fish with shrimps in white sauce exceeded all my culinary expectations about this restaurant located on the main avenue of Pampatar, Margarita. Where we were going to have lunch together with our host my brother-in-law Gabriel; since we were on beach vacations. The presentation of the dish was impeccable at first sight, appetizing, a wheel of steamed fish, shrimp in white sauce with mushrooms; a delicious explosion of flavor on my palate. The food was really exquisite; we ordered wine to drink and toasted for being there, for our meeting. I must point out that the attention of the waiters and staff was excellent; the place is pleasant, with soft music and a nice decoration. Gabriel says that he often comes there to eat or have a drink. Everything was great. THANKS FOR READING.


    Imágenes tomadas desde mi teléfono Galaxy A25 5G Samsung. Contenido original. Portada Canva. Divisores de texto www.glitter-graphics.com // dividers and banners.



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