Do you see me?

in voilk •  4 months ago


    I was at the brim of tears when I heard the news. It felt like my ten years old heart had stopped beating and was floating away to nowhere.
    " It's a lie, you're lieing" I said with a shaky voice.

    I stared at the faces staring back at me in hopes that it was a pricy joke. How could something so horrible be possible, no way was it happening especially to me.

    "Daddy no!!!" I wailed

    " Stop it, the decisions has been made and it is final" my father said

    Finally the tears that was at the brim spilled over. They rushed down my cheeks like rain water, I sat on the floor and put my hands on my head to exaggerate the crying. This will make him change his mind, of course it will. My father stared down at me in anger from his sitting position, and I watched as his expression morphed into something beyond anger, was it frustration or was it.......nevermind.

    " Look at how she is acting, I keep telling you that you are spoiling this girl you will not listen, now look at her" my father said to my mom
    My mother said nothing in return, does that mean he is right, was I being spoilt, does that mean no more indomie and yoghurt again. The crying became more intense, why me!!.

    A few minutes ago my parents had called me into our living room and told me that I would be changing schools, i was ecstatic at first until I found out the school I was changing to was a government school and not a private school. I hated government school with so much passion that I thought whoever went to a government school wasn't really a student. But now I was about to be a part of that not really a student group.

    " Daddy please, I don't want to go to that school"

    " Stop being a stubborn child and listen to your father" my mother said

    The decisions had been made, I was going to attend a government school. I wailed all through the night till my eyes were swollen the next morning and my temperature was high. I couldn't understand why my parents wanted to make me attend a government school, did they hate me or was I acting too spoilt lately. It wasn't until I got older I finally understood why they made that decision. It was simply because they couldn't afford a private school for me anymore since my siblings were in the university.
    I didn't know that, I couldn't see the problems my parents were having, the turbulence they were facing to put food on our table, clothe us, shelter us and pay for our tuition. I couldn't understand them, I was rather more focused on what I was getting. I guess I was just acting like every ten year old would, or maybe not.

    The next morning I woke up with a fever, my temperature was so high from all the crying I had done the previous day and all through the night. I didn't get up from the bed until my mom woke me up, she was incredibly worried when she checked my temperature and saw how high it was, she proceeded to give me paracetamol which we always had at home to bring down my temperature.
    I slept until noon refusing to eat anything, and when my father arrived from work and found out I refused to eat anything he immediately went into my room in anger. I received the beating of my life that day but I did end up eating.

    In the end my parents took me back to my previous school. Somehow my father made it work but I didn't realize what it took him to afford it. He was ready to do anything to make his daughter happy.

    R.I.P daddy

    Image is mine

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