My Actifit Report Card: April 16 2024

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Looking out of my window this morning, it looked like it was going to be a pleasant sunny morning. However, as I stepped out of the door on my way to work, I was greeted by the brightest rainbow that I've ever seen. By the time I had walked to my bus, the heavens had opened, and I was quite wet.

    The rest of the day was windy but sunny right up to the moment I parked my bus from my second shift at work. As I was walking home, we had an even heavier shower complete with hail and very strong gusts of wind.

    It definitely wasn't a lucky day for me today.

    Thank you for reading, and I'll be back tomorrow.
    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

    Daily Activity, Walking

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