PeakMonsters Pirates & Landlubbers: Brawl #218 Report

in voilk •  2 months ago

    This post is an overview of Brawl #218 for PeakMonsters Pirates and PeakMonsters Landlubbers. The PeakMonsters guilds are sponsored by PeakMonsters, the ultimate marketplace for everything in Splinterlands. If you are not familiar with the PeakMonsters market, I highly recommend you check it out.

    Below, the post is sectioned into reports for each guild. Each section contains:

    • Overview of the brawl group
    • PeakMonsters Pirates/Landlubbers player results- Overall brawl group results
    • Battle highlighs from PeakMonsters Pirates/Landlubbers players
    • Links to all brawl battles from PeakMonsters Pirates/Landlubbers players
    • Estimated winrates for PeakMonsters Pirates/Landlubbers players
    • Table of top 20 performances across all the guilds in the brawl group

      This section is an overview of Brawl #218 for for PeakMonsters Pirates.


    Brawl group:

    Guild Rank Guild Rank
    Team Possible14Goblintown26
    PeakMonsters Pirates27NFT Gaming & Collectibles62
    Legendary Wyverns17Praetorian Pandas118
    Bitcoin & Brews34Cardinals360
    T&A Legion X61


    Player Results

    1anonymouslee🔥7-1🔥12gkelf🔥4-1🔥 +3
    2captainjamiegold🔥8-0🔥13aditheking2-4 +2
    3terrius01🔥5-2🔥 +114eddieboy4-3 +1
    4pero821    4-4    15mumuwhale2-3 +3
    5tunggung🔥4-2🔥 +216not-sure🔥6-0🔥 +2
    6sinistro85    2-5     +117cookiess🔥4-2🔥 +2
    7dizzypascal    0-6     +218incinerator3-2 +3
    8justnothing🔥4-2🔥 +219gipan🔥5-1🔥 +2
    9pero82🔥5-1🔥 +220bubbaklubba🔥6-0🔥 +2
    10cryptohoppir    4-3     +121mister.arianthus3-2 +3
    11ceewye    5-3    


    Overall brawl results

    GuildWinsLossesCrowns SPS Merits
    Team Possible89+3445145116.7808286
    PeakMonsters Pirates87+3447142114.8818114
    Legendary Wyverns76+3252127102.5386652
    Bitcoin & Brews65+346911693.9936076
    T&A Legion X48+34869677.8534571
    NFT Gaming & Collectibles43+16456956.0163614
    Praetorian Pandas39+10395846.5222762


    Battle highlights

    @pero82 vs. Legendary Wyverns: Battle link


    @incinerator vs. Team Possible: Battle link


    @gipan vs. Bitcoin & Brews: Battle link



    All PeakMonsters Pirates battles and win chances

    The table below contains win chances (given in %) and links to all the battles from PeakMonsters Pirates players that I was able to fetch. A "-" symbol indicates that the match was not played, either because the opponent guild did not enter the fray, or the match was no longer present in the battle histories when the data for this report was fetched.

    PlayerTeam Possible  Legendary Wyverns   Bitcoin & Brews     T&A Legion X         GoblintownNFT Gaming & CollectiblesPraetorian Pandas    Cardinals Average
    @captainjamiegold99    W--100  W--100  W-100
    @bubbaklubba14    W94    W99    W100  W100  W100  W--84
    @not-sure100  W-100  W100  W99    W99    W100  W-100
    @anonymouslee100  W90    W98    W0      L100  W98    W100  W100  W86
    @pero823      L56    W21    W92    W100  W100  W--62
    @gipan95    L100  W50    W100  W100  W-99    W-91
    @gkelf93    W100  W53    W100  W13    L---72
    @terrius01----37    L---37
    @justnothing79    W0      L98    W100  W8      L68    W--59
    @cookiess5      L100  W100  W51    L100  W99    W--76
    @incinerator37    W40    L68    L100  W100  W---69
    @tunggung11    L88    W100  W100  W100  W-0      L-66
    @mister.arianthus1      L100  W95    L100  W100  W---79
    @ceewye2      L2      L98    W32    L73    W100  W89    W100  W62
    @eddieboy72    W6      L100  W1      L100  W93    W37    L-58
    @cryptohoppir8      L15    L100  W26    L100  W87    W97    W-62
    @mumuwhale66    L0      L0      L100  W98    W---53
    @pero821100  W74    L3      L41    L95    W50    L100  W100  W70
    @aditheking87    W0      L5      L0      L0      L65    W--26
    @sinistro85100  W5      L51    L94    L99    W-0      L0      L50
    @dizzypascal0      L0      L0      L-0      L0      L--0

    Best/Worst luck

    The luckiest PeakMonsters Pirates player in this brawl was pero82 with 5 wins versus an expected 3.72 wins.

    The most unlucky PeakMonsters Pirates player in this brawl was pero821 with 4 wins versus an expected 5.63 wins.

    Total results vs Actual results

    PeakMonsters Pirates won 77 of the battles in the tables above, while the expected number of wins was 80.21.
    Note that this calculation is made for the battles that the author was able to fetch from the battle histories. There might be a few battles missing.


    Top Brawl Performances

    The table below shows the 20 players that had the best performance in this brawl group.

    PlayerWinrate in %Total winsGuild
    #1@captainjamiegold1008PeakMonsters Pirates
    #2@luffyland18931007Legendary Wyverns
    #3@not-sure1006PeakMonsters Pirates
    #4@bubbaklubba1006PeakMonsters Pirates
    #5@stackin1006Team Possible
    #6@digital-wisdom1006Team Possible
    #7@thebadwitch1005Team Possible
    #8@anonymouslee887PeakMonsters Pirates
    #9@monstermother887Team Possible
    #10@rayraycool866Praetorian Pandas
    #11@tookan835Praetorian Pandas
    #12@blastedzeus835Legendary Wyverns
    #13@gipan835PeakMonsters Pirates
    #14@pero82835PeakMonsters Pirates
    #15@darkangl835Team Possible
    #16@fatjimmy835Team Possible
    #17@clayboyn835Team Possible
    #18@airbornedoc804Bitcoin & Brews
    #19@cryptodollabill804Bitcoin & Brews
    #20@gkelf804PeakMonsters Pirates


    This section is an overview of Brawl #218 for for PeakMonsters Landlubbers.


    Brawl group:

    Guild Rank Guild Rank
    PeakMonsters Hurricane38Legendary Monsters55
    Absalom16Immortal Gods 4140
    Peakmonsters Asia63Death Squad Cuba86
    Plan B9Immortal Phoenix246
    PeakMonsters Landlubbers32


    Player Results

    1igotyou    4-3     +112jenna164-4    
    3yokiworld    2-5     +114madsie4-4    
    4momowhale    4-3     +115grogda🔥5-2🔥 +1
    5blason    4-4    16nidoy5-3    
    6tbone01    4-3     +117pollypolly4-3 +1
    7amateur2020    2-6    18gkpartagas🔥4-2🔥 +2
    8saltycream1🔥5-1🔥 +219kzamkurakzamkara3-4 +1
    9senarg🔥5-2🔥 +120tbone-scholar10-6 +2
    10driesc    3-4     +121fw206🔥4-2🔥 +2
    11holyguacamole44    4-4    


    Overall brawl results

    GuildWinsLossesCrowns SPS Merits
    PeakMonsters Hurricane102+1749146110.5727648
    Peakmonsters Asia89+176213098.4936810
    Plan B84+176712493.8477086
    PeakMonsters Landlubbers79+177211889.2016181
    Legendary Monsters50+171018262.2553905
    Immortal Gods 456+9718060.3964190
    Death Squad Cuba47+171047959.4673386
    Immortal Phoenix21432619.5131114


    Battle highlights

    @igotyou vs. Absalom: Battle link


    @tbone01 vs. Death Squad Cuba: Battle link


    @driesc vs. Immortal Gods 4: Battle link



    All PeakMonsters Landlubbers battles and win chances

    The table below contains win chances (given in %) and links to all the battles from PeakMonsters Landlubbers players that I was able to fetch. A "-" symbol indicates that the match was not played, either because the opponent guild did not enter the fray, or the match was no longer present in the battle histories when the data for this report was fetched.

    PlayerPeakMonsters Hurricane Absalom   Peakmonsters Asia      Plan B         Legendary Monsters  Immortal Gods 4         Death Squad Cuba      Immortal Phoenix   Average
    @saltycream1100  W23    W65    W18    L84    W-78    W-61
    @sunnrider0      L100  W10    L100  W86    W100  W100  W100  W74
    @grogda4      L94    W92    W100  W0      L100  W100  W-70
    @senarg0      L0      L79    W100  W91    W100  W75    W-64
    @fw2060      L0      L91    W91    W100  W-100  W-64
    @gkpartagas6      L81    W13    L100  W100  W-99    W-66
    @igotyou100  W70    W3      L30    L8      L100  W100  W-59
    @nidoy0      L36    L0      L100  W100  W100  W100  W100  W67
    @tbone0193    W0      L39    L100  W29    L19    W77    W-51
    @momowhale0      L39    W29    W27    L100  W100  W47    L-49
    @pollypolly100  W100  W87    L0      L100  W0      L100  W-70
    @madsie3      L13    L0      L100  W100  W99    W99    W96    L64
    @blason9      L1      L0      L78    W100  W0      L100  W100  W48
    @jenna1697    W10    L0      L0      L100  W1      L78    W94    W48
    @kzamkurakzamkara25    W3      L50    L0      L59    L100  W100  W-48
    @holyguacamole4429    L2      L72    L0      L100  W100  W78    W100  W60
    @driesc0      L85    W14    L10    L0      L23    W100  W-33
    @maxadi0      L62    L0      L100  W0      L100  W100  W0      L45
    @yokiworld0      L88    W1      L0      L100  W63    L0      L-36
    @amateur20208      L42    W20    L48    W0      L0      L16    L2      L17
    @tbone-scholar10      L0      L0      L0      L0      L-0      L-0

    Best/Worst luck

    The luckiest PeakMonsters Landlubbers player in this brawl was saltycream1 with 5 wins versus an expected 3.68 wins.

    The most unlucky PeakMonsters Landlubbers player in this brawl was madsie with 4 wins versus an expected 5.1 wins.

    Total results vs Actual results

    PeakMonsters Landlubbers won 79 of the battles in the tables above, while the expected number of wins was 78.91.
    Note that this calculation is made for the battles that the author was able to fetch from the battle histories. There might be a few battles missing.


    Top Brawl Performances

    The table below shows the 20 players that had the best performance in this brawl group.

    PlayerWinrate in %Total winsGuild
    #2@crusher221008PeakMonsters Hurricane
    #3@athunderstruck1007Immortal Gods 4
    #4@cavantes1007Plan B
    #5@stephenkinglee331007PeakMonsters Hurricane
    #6@slhp1006Plan B
    #7@zoicsash1006Plan B
    #8@ny231006PeakMonsters Hurricane
    #9@supergtom887Plan B
    #10@kingjj3887Peakmonsters Asia
    #12@sudhir32887PeakMonsters Hurricane
    #13@bulkathos887PeakMonsters Hurricane
    #14@sp5astimber887PeakMonsters Hurricane
    #15@shearha866Immortal Gods 4
    #16@zsander866Immortal Gods 4
    #17@kron422866Plan B
    #18@fayebian866Peakmonsters Asia
    #19@sg43866PeakMonsters Hurricane
    #20@saltycream1835PeakMonsters Landlubbers


    Final words

    I hope you found this post interesting. If you did, you might also enjoy my other content:

    PeakMonsters Pirates & Landlubbers Brawl #217 Report
    PeakMonsters Pirates & Landlubbers Brawl #216 Report
    PeakMonsters Pirates & Landlubbers Brawl #215 Report
    PeakMonsters Pirates & Landlubbers Brawl #214 Report
    PeakMonsters Pirates & Landlubbers Brawl #213 Report
    If you would like to see more of this content, please let me know, like and share the post. Also, if you have not yet started playing Splinterlands, you can join and support me and the same time with the following link

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    Best of luck in Splinterlands!

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