My Battles | Fire Splinter Versus Life Splinter

in voilk •  3 months ago

    My Splinterland Battle

    I am here to share one of my battles that I am proud of. It is quite an effort in the Bronze League to beat the more powerful summoners. Here too I thought that I was going to lose, but I won.


    If you don’t have the patience to go through my explanation, here is the link to the battle. Have a look.

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    This screen above is the battle screen with my team being the Fire Splinter while the opponent was using Life Splinter. I had only one magic card and one ranged card. Rest all were melee attackers. The opponent seemed to have more of magic and ranged cards.


    At the end of round one, my team looked stronger. The double attacking ranged card from the opponent’s lineup was destroyed.


    At the end of round two, I had more cards left and it looked like the opponent would lose. I didn’t believe that I would win at the beginning of the battle, but now it becomes more obvious.


    At the end of round three, the opponent’s two cards are still standing and they still have formidable attacks. It is more of a surprise that they stood an entire round against four of my cards.


    End of round four and I am still surprised that the opponent is holding on. One of my cards from the first position was also taken down. I was a bit worried at this point.


    End of round five and now it was become more obvious. Victory was mine but it still had not come.


    By round six it was all over. I won the battle. I wasn’t expecting it but it did happen.

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    How Did You Like My Battle?

    It was fun for me to win against what looked like a formidable lineup. The Ambush that happens at the beginning gave me an edge over the opponent. I think, that was one of the strong points because the double attacking ranged card was taken care of immediately.

    Thanks for watching.

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    Use My Link To Join Splinterlands


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