in voilk •  last month

    Hi everyone, Welcome to my BATTLE MAGE SECRETS post. BATTLE MAGE SECRETS itself is a replacement for SHARE YOUR BATTLE CHALLENGE, where if SHARE YOUR BATTLE CHALLENGE takes 1 monster as its weekly theme while BATTLE MAGE SECRETS takes 1 Ruleset as its theme. And the theme for this week is...



    "All Monsters have the Divine Shield ability."

    HOLY PROTECTION is one of the Rulesets that will give additional abilities to all monsters in the battle arena. The ability that will be given to all monsters in the HOLY PROTECTION Ruleset is the DIVINE SHIELD ability. DIVINE SHIELD is an ability that can negate the first attack received by the owner of this ability no matter how big the attack is. DIVINE SHIELD will be very useful when facing opponents who have the AMBUSH ability, where this ability allows the ability owner to attack first before the battle begins.

    Although it can negate attacks of any magnitude for the first time, DIVINE SHIELD ability cannot negate the debuffs that sometimes accompany the attack. it is necessary for abilities such as IMMUNITY to overcome this deficiency, or it can also rely on monsters that have CLEANSE ability to clean up the debuffs received (although it can only be used on monsters in the first position).

    To overcome the HOLY PROTECTION Ruleset, the AMBUSH ability will be very useful to negate the effect of the DIVINE SHIELD ability before the main round begins. In addition, monsters with the DOUBLE STRIKE ability can be used to remove the effect during the first attack. In contrast, the second attack can directly hurt the target (provided that the target has not been hit at all before).

    While the use of abilities such as SCATTER SHOT , SNEAK , OPPORTUNITY , and SNIPE are useful for removing DIVINE SHIELD effects from multiple targets, focusing on attacking a single target is easier to speed up the defeat.




    In addition to HOLY PROTECTION, the Rulesets in this battle are...


    EARTHQUAKE is a Ruleset that gives an advantage to one of the abilities. The ability in question is FLYING . The FLYING ability benefits from the EARTHQUAKE ruleset because monsters that have this ability will not be affected by the effects of the EARTHQUAKE ruleset. The effect caused by the EARTHQUAKE ruleset is 2 points of damage (which is equal to the attack of Melee monsters) that will be received by monsters that do not have the FLYING ability in each round.


    My Line-Up

    - Give reduction of 2 ARMOR to All Enemies
    - Give an additional ability (DODGE ) to All Allies
    - Revive 1 Allies per battle with RESURRECT ability
    Being in the EARTHQUAKE Ruleset, I want to use some monsters that have the FLYING ability. And the Astral Entity's job here is to give additional abilities in the form of DODGE to all my monsters, especially those with the FLYING ability. By combining FLYING and DODGE , it can further reduce the attack accuracy of the opponent's monsters (Ranged and Melee attacks in general) that do not have the FLYING ability when attacking my monsters that have these 2 abilities.
    FLYING + BACKFIRE + RETALIATEThe first monster that has the FLYING ability is Pelacor Deceiver. In addition to the FLYING ability, it also has the BACKFIRE ability that will activate when an opposing monster fails to land an attack on it.

    Pelacor Deceiver also has RETALIATE which allows it (50%) to counterattack when hit by attacks from Melee monsters.
    FLYING + SCAVENGER + BACKFIRE + HEADWINDSBesides Pelacor Deceiver, I also brought Riftwing which also has FLYING and BACKFIRE abilities. The main reason for using it is to anticipate if Pelacor Deceiver is defeated by the opponent.
    WEAPONS TRAINING + LIFE LEECHBecause Riftwing is a No Attack monster, it needs help from monsters that have WEAPONS TRAINING abilities so that it can participate in attacking enemy monsters. This is where Zyriel comes in handy. He will give Riftwing an additional 3 points of ATTACK POWER.
    OPPORTUNITY + SNARE + SWIFTNESSTo increase the decrease in attack accuracy of the opponent's monsters, in addition to using the FLYING and DODGE abilities, a considerable difference in SPEED is also required. Lira the Dark who has the SWIFTNESS ability is useful for widening the SPEED difference distance.

    In addition, Lira the Dark has the SNARE ability which is useful for removing the FLYING ability on the target when it successfully hits it.
    SHATTER + AMPLIFY + RUSTIn addition to using FLYING , to avoid the EARTHQUAKE ruleset, we can use monsters that have a lot of ARMOR or rely on monsters that have the PROTECT ability to add ARMOR.

    Weirding Warrior is responsible for reducing and removing ARMOR from the target by relying on the RUST and SHATTER abilities.
    TAUNT + FORCEFIELDTo prevent the opponent's monster attacks from being focused all on my first-position monster, I used Night Ghoul which has a TAUNT of ability.




    I faced an opponent who only had a Rare Summoner (Kelya Frendul) level 6 and of course the monsters he used his abilities and stats were also limited. Although I got an additional 1 ARMOR from Kelya Frendul, Astral Entity reduced 2 ARMOR.


    In the first round, Lira the Dark attacked Pelacor Bandit and gave him a SNARE effect so that his FLYING ability was removed. Riftwing and Pelacor Deceiver tried to attack Diemonshark, but only the attack from Pelacor Deceiver missed.

    Diemonshark and Flying Squid tried to attack Pelacor Deceiver, but their attacks failed to hit him and they were hit by BACKFIRE due to their failed attacks. Pelacor Bandit, Deeplurker, Gargoya Devil, and River Hellondale direct their attacks at Night Ghoul who has the TAUNT ability.

    The attack from Weirding Warrior failed to hit Diemonshark, but the attack from Zyriel did.


    In the second round, Diemonshark got his turn to attack first but still failed to hit Pelacor Deceiver so he received BACKFIRE due to his failed attack. Meanwhile, the attack from Flying Squid successfully hit Pelacor Deceiver. Lira the Dark defeated Pelacor Bandit (although it was revived by River Hellondale using the RESURRECT ability). Deeplurker, Gargoya Devil, and River Hellondale returned their attacks to Night Ghoul

    Weirding Warrior still failed to attack Diemonshark. But it was defeated by the attacks from Riftwing and Zyriel.


    In the third round, Lira the Dark still targeted her attacks at Pelacor Bandit and again gave him the effect of the SNARE ability. Night Ghoul was defeated for the first time by Pelacor Bandit. Meanwhile, his second defeat was due to attacks from Deeplurker, Gargoya Devil, and River Hellondale.

    Flying Squid was defeated by Riftwing and Pelacor Deceiver. Meanwhile, Pelacor Bandit was defeated by Weirding Warrior. Deeplurker who was in first place was hit by Zyriel.


    In the final round, Deeplurker, River Hellondale, and Weirding Warrior lost due to the effects of the EARTHQUAKE Ruleset.

    Although Gargoya Devil hurt Pelacor Deceiver, he was defeated by Lira the Dark, Riftwing, Pelacor Deceiver, and Zyriel.

    To see the entire battle, you can watch it at >> FULL BATTLE LINK
    And this is the challenge link >> CHALLENGE LINK


    Review of this battle

    One of the reasons for my victory may be due to the low level of Summoner and the monsters that the opponent has. But the opponent can still provide a pretty good resistance with the BLIND ability given by Flying Squid so that the attacks of some of my monsters had missed and did not hit their targets.

    I was also helped by the EARTHQUAKE Ruleset which made some opponent monsters lose due to the effects of the EARTHQUAKE Ruleset.


    That was the post BATTLE MAGE SECRETS for this time. Thank you for visiting and taking the time to read. See you in the next post....

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