Should We Believe Our Ancestors ? PART 1&2

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    Should We Believe Our Ancestors? 1&2


    Matthew 17:4-5, Matthew 17:1, Hebrew 1:1, Matthew 15:9, Mark 7:7-8, Matthew 3:7

    It is always a pleasure to listen to and learn the word of God, which is highly moral and very essential towards achieving our aim as Christians, hence the word of God is prepared to guide and lead us through different adversity and with everything we do as much as the word of God is enough for us to sail through in our endeavors, ence on that note, in accordance with the caption on the "Should we believe our ancestors?" led and taught by brother Eli, as much as I learn, I will write based on parts 1 and 2 of these lessons.

    PART 1


    Hence, in accordance with this teaching patterning to that of the tradition that is passed through the present and future generations to come, which may be contrary to the teaching of the word of God, which could be misleading and tend to mislead a lot of people away from their faith, which is what the Bible is against, going contrary to the word in the bible is against the bible guidelines.

    Hence, as a matter of fact, the book of Matthew 17:1 reminds us that having moral wisdom and knowledge is profitable to whoever believes in the word of God, hence as a matter of fact, it is expected of every believer to be under the care of the laws established and kept by the Lord, which come by teaching, listening, and adhering to the word of God.

    On the other hand, in Matthew 16:4-5, it is talked about adhering to the voice and the word that comes from the ancestral background, hence it is necessary that we learn, believe in the word of God, and do away with side distractions that tend to deviate our attention from believing in the word of God, which some people do against the word, just by believing the ancestral teaching, which could be misleading some times, but the word of God is always the same.

    So therefore, it is everyone's obligation to believe in Jesus as the true son of God, whom we need to believe in and have faith in, as God has declared him his son, with whom he is well pleased, and with whom we all abide in accordance with his footsteps. In Hebrews 1:1, it is acknowledged that the revelation over humanity renders the insight, experience, and belief of our ancestors invaluable when not aligned with the word of God.

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    PART 2


    This remains a major focus within the surveillance of the tradition that people make a priority of, hence the book of Matthew 15:9. All this practice is criticized and for whom practice it as a true belief that could be wrong, hence, as a matter of fact, the Bible warned against it seriously over the dangers behind making it a priority over the word of God.

    Furthermore, the ancestral practices are all regarded as in vain when not in accordance with the doctrine of Christ, hence, we are all advised and taught to be of Christ, which demands being part of what the Bible demands of us. The same was actually emphasized in Mark 7:7, where the bible pointed out that the sentiment is unbelievable without the word of God, believing that all human rules have nothing to add or contribute to us in terms of divine lead, which we all have to make a priority, and as much as is necessary to be a listener to the word of God, which is divinely inclined to lead and guide us through this world that is filled with the sentiment of man.



    Hence, as much as we understand what Matthew 3:7 says, the better we become, as this warning in this verse of the scripture sounds like a rebuke that reminds us that not all traditions are infallible, which implies that we need to treat them with caution and have the discernment from God that has to lead us through always. Therefore, let us be reminded that as the ancestors' wisdom provide value to an extent, it is necessary for us to have the discernment spirit that ensures that the tradition aligns with the divine principle already established.

    Part 1

    Part 2

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