ocial Media Challenge! - Half-Half Fruit ability person / ソーシャルメディア・チャレンジ!- 半々の実の能力

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!

    BARON FYATT Just by looking at him already, this uncle has a great smell of kamase, but I think I've seen him somewhere before.
    I was wondering for a while, and then I realized that he is ”BUGGY THE CLOWN”. He is the one who has the ability of "Chop-Chop Fruit" in "One Piece". Does he have a similar mouth?

    BARON FYATT もう見ただけでかませ臭が凄いこのおじさんですが、どこかで見たような気がするんですよね。


    It looks like it could use some "Medroa".



    BARON FYATT and HENCHLING ENFORCER, the promotional cards for the Bitcoin Half-life event announced today, both have Halving!
    I wonder if they have the ability to halve the Bitcoin halving event?

    今日発表があったビットコイン半減期イベントのプロモーションカード、 BARON FYATT と HENCHLING ENFORCER ですがなんと両方ともHalving持ち!

    Announcing the Baron's Bounty Bitcoin Halving Promo Event!

    I'll let you read the article for the detailed abilities of these two cards, but the legendary BARON FYATT and the rare HENCHLING ENFORCER each have halving abilities that make them look very powerful.

    この2つのカードの詳細な能力は記事を読んでもらうとして、レジェンドの BARON FYATT とレアの HENCHLING ENFORCER はそれぞれhalvingのアビリティを持っていて非常に強力に見えます。

    Speaking of halving, I would have to say Halfling Alchemist. Although it has been dropped from Modern, it is a low-cost character that halves the attacker's attack power.
    I used to feel defeated when I played against him.

    halvingと言えば Halfling Alchemist ですね。モダンからは落ちましたが低コストでアタッカーの攻撃力を半分にしてくるとんでもないチートキャラ。

    The card has such powerful halving, but how strong is it in actual play? I thought about it for a moment.




    BARON FYATT appears to be a very good 5-cost magic attack 2 damage. The magic is a must-hit, so you can make sure you hit the target and halve its attack power by halving it by halving it by halving it.
    In addition, at level 3, BARON FYATT can learn Ambush, which allows him to attack before the battle starts, giving him a chance to halve his attack power by halving it.

    BARON FYATT は5コストの魔法攻撃2点すごく優秀。魔法は必中なので確実に当ててhalvingで攻撃力を半減させることができる。

    However, I am a little concerned about Scattershot. If you want to weaken the lead enemy, you're going to have to leave it up to luck.
    But on the other hand, it can target attackers who ignore walls and attack with magic or long range. It is a multi-elemental and may be used in many situations?

    しかし、逆に言えば壁を無視して魔法や遠距離で攻撃してくるアタッカーを狙える。HALFLING ALCHEMISTでは先頭のモンスターしか攻撃力を下げることができないけど、BARON FYATT なら複数の敵の攻撃力を下げることができる。マルチエレメントだし使うシーンは多いのかもしれない?


    The rare HENCHLING ENFORCER also has the halving ability. Unfortunately, it is a long-range attack, so it is not a must-hit, but at level 4, it learns True Strike, so I guess it is like a must-hit.
    If you use it at level 4, it is powerful enough because it is a long-range attack with 3 damage.

    レアの HENCHLING ENFORCER もhalvingアビリティを持っている。残念ながら遠距離攻撃なので必中ではないけれど、レベル4でTrue Strikeを覚えるから必中みたいなもんかな?

    Personally, I like the fact that it has Armor and has a good amount of speed and HP. It would be much easier to use if it had Camouflage at level 7, but I can't level it that high - too bad.


    Both are very good and I have to buy this one! I'm waiting for it. I hope I can pull it off with a gold frame card - I'd be happy to do a little leap if I got a gold lege - I hope you guessed it!


    But I've never been able to pull it off in these situations...



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    以下の画像は私の紹介リンク付きBATTLE URLです。


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