During Today Cycling, I trapped in one Bad Cycling Accident

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Hello Cycling Community! Welcome to my blog. Today is a sunny day. In the morning there was cool weather, I came outside with a planing for cycling at my Blue Modern Mountain Cycle. According to routine, I took my cycle, started paddling at about 8:00 AM and decided to make a round in the whole colony to catch fresh air.


    Street Accident

    Cycling is my passion. From my childhood, I took great care about my this hobby. Either it is Cycling Competition or it is general Street Race, I 'm an active participant for an any healthy cycling activity. Last time when there was cycling march, I trapped in road accident. Luckily, I got saved but my cycle was distorted a lot. It's frame, crank, paint and handle were severely affected. As today is the start of new month April and there is an announcement for cycling competition, I had made a schedule for everyday cycling practice. Unfortunately my first day came with bad adventure. I can't expect about this tragedy. I was cycling into the street happily and focusing on my peddling because our Cycling Stamina depends on the feet thresholds we applied on peddle. After about one and half kilometers, I was feeling imbalance on my seat. Before noticing anything, I suddenly fell on the ground. Alhamdolilah the floor was soft and I didn't got any fracture. There were little bruises on my left hand but they are negligible because God has blessed and saved my life that is enough for me. I found there were pieces of broken glass on the ground. As it was morning time hence no sweeper was here. Anyway I 'm sad about my cycle because it's many parts were affected a lot and it is big loss for me as my first day for cycling met with bad experience.

    • my Cycle seat got three holes and it's internal hardware is out hence I was feeling uncomfortable sitting on it. Moreover, it is shaky in position during Cycling.


    • My Cycle Tyre and it's tubing got severely punctured. There were pieces of glasses inside their circumference.


    • My Cycle Crank and front derailleur plus rear break cable were affected a lot.


    • My Cycle Handlebars, stem, shifters all are affected badly and now are slippery from their normal position. Two spokes were broken in front wheel.



    I 'm feeling really sad. I 'm panicked inside what a bad start of the April. I have dream for winning the best Cyclist of the Colony Reward but start of this month made it tough. My blue cycle is now fully out of order for cycling. With sad face, I took a selfie with it before I send it towards Mechanic for its mending and recovery of all parts with new ones.




    During Cycling, we must focus on our destination. We should do cycling in clean area. Although I 'm still hopeful for winning the coming Cycling Competition in my colony but I have to wait for three days until my cycle recovered from its all loses. April's start is not good for me but I 'm hopeful the April'end will be happy for me. With this hope, I came into my room and decided to share this harsh experience with my Cycling Community. Although I trapped in street accident and I 'm sad but I have decided to make myself happy by celebrating HPUD. Yes, it is 1st April and HPUD. So let me wish you all, "Happy HPUD, don't forget to power up your Hive". I just powered up my 10.7 Hive and looking forward for great Hive future.

    I need your prayer for coming Cycling Competition after this worst cycling experience. Thanks!


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