Let's makes a deal! 10% APR for HP Delegation

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hive is the best blockchain to do P2P even without a Smart Contract or Layer 2 solution. Wow 🤩 that’s a bold statement, but it’s actually possible and I already made it happen. I made this move because DLease, a layer 2 solution, has ceased its operation. Although there is another layer 2 solution in the form of Hive-Engine’s HP Leasing platform, it’s unable to get traction from HP delegators for reasons that I’m not sure about.

    Maybe one of the reasons is that the medium of exchange or transaction is using $Hive-Swap which is a Hive-pegged token that only exists in Hive-Engine side-chain. To exchange $Hive for $Hive-swap token, the user will have to deposit their $Hive to their Hive-Eingine wallet which will incur a transaction fee. The same goes when withdrawing their $Hive-Swap back to $Hive. It’s not the best experience if you’re not a Hive-Eingine enthusiast. So aside from the fee, the trouble in converting tokens is a hurdle to the HP Delegators.

    To be honest, Hive-Engine is a sidechain solution that may also stop operating (knock on the wood) at its own will without everyone’s consent. There’s this trust issue with the system that’s not easy to get rid of. So far the Hive-Engine HP Leasing is the only alternative that I know of that acts as an escrow between the HP Leasor and the Leasee.

    However, I find it interesting that it isn't attracting the attention of HP Delegators despite the good profitability with the current leases in the market right now. I'm seeing a good APR of around 9% and even a lease that offers a profit of 20% APR but nobody seems to care about it.


    Let me give P2P a shot!

    10 APR COVER.png

    That's right, I'm offering a 10% APR for your HP Delegation to my account. The payment will be done daily through Keychain's Recurrent Transfer method.

    If you are interested in making a deal with me, you may simply comment below and then we will agree with the comment as well.

    power hive.png

    Curamax Footer.jpg

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