My Actifit Report Card: April 19 2024

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hi to all my actifiters friends around the worlds, how are you doing today? I am hoping that you guys are healthy and fine. Today i want to share my activity. Today my son still need going to school. So, i waking him up in the morning. He is mad since he is still sleepy. Yeah his sleep routine still in mess after holiday. Need around 1-2 weeks until he can back to routine again. And today he is almost late arrived at school. After taking my son to school, i am goinng back to home doing house chores as usual. Playing NFT games as usual and searching new games that giving more profit. And in the afternoon i picking up my son. And the as usual eating lunch. What different is my wife waiting in home due recovery time. Maybe she will take a full month to recovery. In the evening we are going to visiting doctor to check up my wife condition. The result is pretty good. We can planning to have kid again after the first menstruation. But this time we need to prepare medical check up for anticipation of the rubella or taxoplasma virus. These 2 type of viruses can make infection that can make anenchepaly condition that made my daughter like that. And my wife need to consume more of folad acid to make sure that condition will not happen in the future. And the rest is just need permission from The Almighty God.

    My son seems tired after school today. And he fell asleep when waiting the doctor came. I dont know how this silly boy can sleep in this place. I feel that the chair is not too comfortable to sleep. But he can sleep until reaching deep sleep.
    Funny and pity at the same time seeing he fell asleep.

    After that we are going to find restaurant to eating dinner. My son said that he is starving after wake up. Thats why we are going to restaurant near my house. I am very proud with my son. I dont know 5 years old kid supposed to be eating by himself or still need help by the parents. But seeing my boy can eating by himself is making me kinda proud of him. I can feel that in the future he can be more than me. And i hope he can surprass me far away. Both in financial, prosperity, and maybe all.
    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

    Daily Activity, House Chores
    180 cm
    82 kg
    Body Fat

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