Push it - Pump it - Beat it.

in voilk •  5 months ago

    What's up Hive!

    I wasn't planning to do a Three Tune Tuesday from @ablaze but I looked at what day it was and I wanted to share some good juju music for the potential crypto pump season ahead we all anticipate and starting to buzz about...could it be it? So why not have a good time with both.

    hypersaturated pichiavo.jpg
    Mural painted by team Pichi-Avo, near Ice District downtown Edmonton

    I know everyone noticed and is talking and well I want to as well. Are we about to experience another wild hair tearing, grey-hair-growing, up and down wild ride in the mental rollercoaster we call the crypto world for the rest of the year? I'm sure all of us are hoping so. Are you already making gain plans in your head? Have your next lambo color picked yet? Hehe

    hypersaturated pichiavo2.jpg

    I'm far from thinking lambos yet but even with my modest HP, it was nice to wake up and see the price up so much in one day, my account went from being worth $400 to over $575 in just a few days, my other account that I currently can't access of course did even better, in that regards. Of course in Canada, It's not much in the grand scheme of things but still exciting and hopefully it's just the beginning, how high can Hive go? $1? 2? 5? I bet for someone living in a much cheaper country, it's a nice bonus to wake up to as the prices climb up. Do you live someplace where Hive at a dollar would be life changing?

    Salt-N-Pepper-Push it. A song from my childhood, fitting with the theme of a renewed anticipation for a healthy year in crypto in a new up cycle, Start the pump in style.

    It brings me memories of the last pump. Both good and bad tho, that's also precisely before I got the cov. I was in the change room at work and XRP had just won their lawsuit and the price pumped to almost $2 or something like that. A few of the boys were throwing around all the big boy crypto words you would typically hear from the new crypto Bruh's on the block that you know only know the money and rumor mill aspects but no real understanding of what any of them actually were. I just listened for a bit, then they started about dumping a bunch of cash into it.

    I couldn't help myself but to giggle and they noticed. They looked at me like WHAT? You know something, what do you know...do tell. I said, Don't bother unless you want to lose it. They all laughed. The next day...the word had spread I knew stuff. I don't really but probably more than them. I don't know what the others did but one of them took heed and didn't buy. Good call. Within a few days, we watched the price deflate as fast as it went up.

    Around the same time, Dogecoin was actually equally cray-cray, it went up to something like 70 cents if I remember correctly, crazy times indeed. That's how I knew the whole thing had become just one big casino and was about to pop for a couple of years. He had a bunch he got at a much lower price, it even enticed me to go on a recollection mission to gather up all of my abandoned faucet tokens into one account. Just in case. there will be a time when everyone gets crypto drunk and loose all their senses. I still have them, I didn't sell but I probably should have but I can't say that I care much either.

    Now, my young coworker lunchmate was wondering what is next move should be, debating buying more. No Bro...Time to go...Get out now. He replied with But...but...but. No buts just get out or go busts. The next day, the price started to drop. Who the fuck are you? The great Crypto oracle? How do you know all of this? Now the word at work was really spreading, omg...I had is attention. Already had saved his ass from the financial slaughter house the world of crypto brings with FOMO investors. I know next to nothing yet somehow more than them, all they saw was $$ that coulda been but really wasn't there. I'm no genius or all that crypto anything but when doge is worth something...The whole thing has become insanity. When grandma is looking for a bitcoin to add to her coin collection, time to go.

    Michael Jackson-Beat it. We all like our insane gains we make in our sleep or when we blink from one coffee break to the next and suddenly realize the gains were more than the actual wage your earning. Times are nice but all good things come to an end. Well at least temporarily until the next cycle, don't get caught in FOMO, know when it's time to go home.

    Then he asked...What should I invest into, bitcoin? Will it go up to over 100k? I wanna take out a loan and buy. NOPPPPE, what part of get out is confusing?. It was pretty high and about to bust, everything was loosing steam, we know the sings they somehow get blinded by dollar value mixed blissful ignorance of the signs we all have come to know over our years of riding these roller coasters. Then I got sick and the market started to collapse for another couple of years of lows. I don't know how he fared in the end but he did listened to me for the first 2 and spared himself huge, he probably listened.

    I haven't seen him since but this small hike in price made me think of this little moment and have me wondering what kind of funny shake my head crypto moments will I encounter at work this year with the new crop of young wild investors ready to bet it all at just the wrong time if we are entering a pump cycle.

    Other things pump cycle brings. New life. Not that there is anything wrong with the platform in it's current state but these pump cycles are generally the birth of new innovation and plenty of it. Some end in broken dreams while others change the way we social around here in a significant way forever. Each pump, we end up with more users, they may not all stay but many do and new types of content emerge to entertain us. Slow times are the perfect time to build HP for the next pump. Lets anticipate a healthy pump for Hive to stimulate a golden age of innovation that will continue our shared goals of making our mark in the digital world in one form or another however great or small, blogger or developer. We all find our place in time.

    This is a bit of a cheesy song from the 90's but I thought I would send some good PUMP juju for our little ever growing online refuge from the big bad freethinking-hating mainstream popular platforms. Technotronic-Pump up the jam. When I was a child, my mom used to play tv bingo, it was new-ish back then and sorta cool but then again our region just lacked so much entertainment that everyone played Bingo. This was the new Jam on Air and a good mood lifter for the losing ladies having to turn the page after the winners were called and it was time to move on to the next chance. I never understood the entertainment value in it but I get it, it's just a world too simple for me I suppose. Keep your bingo, I'll write my essays for crypto to pass my bored time. SURE WIN what a concept. I'll still have the cheesy 90's song tho. Every time it says jam, switch it to Hive. 🤑🤑🤑

    Alright, lets take this to the moon eh. This old lady would like to retire soon-ish! I know, I have a few pump and bust cycles to go yet. Invest smart this potential pump season and don't catch the FOMO. xox

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