[ENG/ESP] A small family of pigs, relaxing/ Una pequeña familia de cerdos, relajados.

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Hello dear friends of this beautiful Hive Pets community, today I will tell you about this little family of piglets, it is nice to see them relax and take their nap comfortably.

    They are my father's and you can see how cared for they are, they love to eat food and it must be given to them several times a day to keep them satisfied.

    The sow is waiting to give birth and has a few weeks left to give birth. She is very affectionate, but when they give birth they are jealous of their babies and we must move away a little.

    Hola queridos amigos de esta hermosa comunidad Hive pets, hoy les hablaré sobre esta pequeña familia de cerditos, es agradable verlos relajarse y toman su siesta cómodamente.

    Son de mi padre y se nota lo cuidado que están, les encanta comer alimento y se les debe dar varias veces al dia, para mantenerlos satisfechos.

    La cerda está esperando parto y le quedan pocas semanas para dar a luz, es muy cariñosa, pero cuando paren son celosas con crias y debemos alejarnos un poco.


    The little ones are in another division, there were ten in total but they already bought the others, the owners always leave some females to continue production.

    In the plains, pigs are raised in large quantities, they are sold in many ways and only the breeder knows what he wants them for.

    Some sell them when they are small and this is more feasible, just like cows, they have a great demand in the market, and they are classified by breed.

    Los pequeños están en otra división, en total eran diez pero ya compraron los otros, los dueños siempre dejan algunas hembras para continuar la producción.

    En el llano el cerdo se cria en grandes cantidades, tiene muchas formas de venta y solo el criador sabe para que lo quiere.

    Algunos los venden de pequeños y asi es mas factible, al igual que las vacas ellos poseen una gran demanda en el mercado, y los clasifican por la raza.



    I am barely dedicated to raising birds and I say that raising pigs requires more work, since they need daily cleaning and excrement should not accumulate since the odors they emanate are not pleasant.

    My father does dedicate part of his time to them and wants to expand a little more, he just needs to have the desire and make a good investment, over time the results will be seen.

    Author: @merlyned
    Telephone: Estudio Blu.
    I hope you like the post, greetings.

    Yo apenas me dedico a la cria de aves y digo que criar cerdos requiere de mayor trabajo, ya que ellos necesitan de limpieza diaria y no se les debe acumular escremento ya que los olores que emanan no son agradables.

    Mi padre si le dedica parte de su tiempo a ellos y quiere expandirse un poco mas, solo falta tener las ganas y hacer una buena inversión, al tiempo se veran los resultados.

    Autor: @merlyned
    Teléfono: Blu studio.
    Espero que el post les sea de su agrado, saludos.

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