The Best of Discovery-it #1688

Hi there, welcome back to The Best of Discovery-it! All the best posts voted by the Discovery-it curator team will have their own dedicated space within the Hive blockchain. This digest intends to bring to light all those authors who often remain unnoticed and therefore reward all those who create quality posts, leading them to establish themselves on the platform. But that's not all!
After a careful selection, our curators will also choose the most deserving articles among all those voted to create a ranking of the Top posts of the day.
So who are today's winners?
☕️Café Amanecer, one of my favorites. Café Amanecer, uno de mis favoritos. ☕️[ENG-SPA].
by @blanca56
In this interesting post blanca56 brings us to discover Café Amanecer, a lovely place located in Venezuela. “Café Amanecer comes to satisfy the demanding palates of the consumers of this beverage that has many followers in the world. The quality of the coffee bean is felt in each cup served in the different environments of the place visited by customers” the author said. Don’t miss this experience!

Basilica Santa Maria in Aracoeli, Rome
by @triplug
Today triplug brings us to discover an amazing place located in Rome, Italy. “Everything changes exactly from entering the basilica, nothing prepared us for what we were about to see, Basilica Santa Maria is stunning, its interior left me speechless, I must tell you that access inside is free, but visiting hours may differ depending on the time of year (check their website beforehand, but it's generally open between 9-18)” the author said. Don’t miss this interesting adventure!
by @foxkoit
“The first birds have arrived, they came to eat my seeds, now I have to wait for these first birds to bring the rest of my friends here, and I will have much more opportunity to get pictures. Today two tits are sitting under my window, and they are singing loudly so that everyone can hear that there is food here” this is how this new article by foxkoit started. If you’re passionate about nature, you shouldn’t miss it!
Ever-Changing Canvases: A Street Art Walk Through Kampong Glam
by @curamax
Have you ever heard of Kampong Glam streetart? In this interesting post curamax shares with us some information about this nice place. “There are certain spots in Kampong Glam that I remember often getting a street art revamp, and that’s exactly what today’s post is about. I found two locations with updated murals, plus a few new spots I hadn’t explored before, where I discovered some really cool street art” the author told us. Don’t miss this collection!

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