Social Media Challenge: Which are the most profitable materials! / ソーシャル メディア チャレンジ: 儲かる資材はどれだ!?

in voilk •  6 days ago

    Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!


    Land 1.75 has been released. Have you harvested the new materials yet? My CYANION terrain farm will turn into a quarry after harvesting. I haven't harvested yet, so it's still a grain workshop, so I'm thinking of letting it produce grain until the last minute. By the way, after it becomes a quarry, I will produce Stone, and I wondered how much I can sell it for, so I took a quick look.


    Huh? A very good price? 😳 Maybe you can earn quite a bit of DEC?

    My CYANION Production Point was 20,396 PP. The productivity of Grain is 0.02 per PP, so 407.92 Grain/hour. For Stone, it is 0.002 per PP, so 40.79 Stone/hour.


    The production capacity is simply 1/10th, so the amount of material produced is also 1/10th. However, when exchanged for DEC, the price is a whopping 16 times higher!

    Is this bonus only for now? I'm sure the price will drop when everyone starts selling, and even if you rush to produce more Stone, it may drop by the time you sell it.
    Rather, I am sure that after a week or so, there will be a shortage of grain. Does that mean grain will go up too? 🤔

    I was curious to see the DEC price per unit of material.

    • Sell 1 GRAIN for 0.015 DEC
    • Sell 1 WOOD for 0.132 DEC (8.8x)
    • Sell 1 STONE for 2.013 DEC (134.2x)
    • Sell 1 IRON for 2.179 DEC (145.3x)

    The results were as follows.

    Since the productive capacity per PP is as follows.

    • Grain - 0.02
    • Wood - 0.005 (1/4x)
    • Stone - 0.002 (1/10x)
    • Iron - 0.0005 (1/40x)

    Stone seems to be the most efficient for now, considering the production capacity per PP. However, is this just for now and will the price go down as more people produce Stone?
    If more people produce in laboratories and SPS mines and consume a lot of Wood, Stone, and Iron, the price will go up, but if they consume less, the price will not go up.

    I'm not sure what to produce since I have no idea how to predict what the balance of supply and demand will be.


    The amount of grains in circulation here is indeed quite large, since they have been traded for a long time now. The distribution ratio of Wood:Stone:Iron is 727K:156K:190K.

    The price is probably high because Stone has the lowest volume in circulation. We can expect this ratio to be proportional to the amount of each workshop currently in operation, so maybe the land that can produce Stone has fewer workshops up and running. If production continues at this rate, surely those producing Stone will make money!

    I'm thinking of switching to Stone production as soon as possible. Hopefully I can earn DEC, but I don't want to see prices fall as soon as I start production. I think grain production, which is sure to be consumed, is the most stable. I am thinking about my next strategy.

    However, I don't have enough funds. I bought a lot of KELAN GAINES, so I don't have enough money to build a new farm! 😱Atchonbrique!

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    Land 1.75がリリースされましたね。もう新しい資材は収穫できましたか?私のCYANION地形の農場は収穫したら採石場に変わってしまいます。まだ収穫していないので穀物作業場のままなのでギリギリまで穀物を生産させておこうかと思っています。ところで採石場になってしまった後はStoneを生産するわけですが、いったいいくらで売れるのかと思って軽く見てみたら。


    あれ?とても良いお値段?😳 もしかして結構なDECが稼げちゃうんですか?

    私のCYANIONの Production Point は 20,396 PP でした。Grainだと 1PP 当たりの生産力が 0.02 なので 407.92 Grain/hでした。 これがStoneになると 1PP あたり 0.002 なので 40.79 Stone/hですね。





    • Sell 1 GRAIN for 0.015 DEC
    • Sell 1 WOOD for 0.132 DE (8.8倍)
    • Sell 1 STONE for 2.013 DEC (134.2倍)
    • Sell 1 IRON for 2.179 DEC (145.3倍)


    1PP あたりの生産力は以下の通りなので

    • Grain – 0.02
    • Wood – 0.005 (1/4倍)
    • Stone – 0.002 (1/10倍)
    • Iron – 0.0005 (1/40倍)

    いまは 1PP あたりの生産能力を考えればStoneが一番効率よさそうだね。しかし、これは今だけでStoneを生産する人が増えれば値段は下がる?そもそも研究所やSPS鉱山で生産する人がどんどん消費してくれないと値段は下がる一方のはず。



    ここで流通量を確認してみるとさすがの穀物量ですね。今までずっとトレードされていたわけですから桁違いの量です。Wood:Stone:Iron の流通量比率は 727K:156K:190K ですね。



    しかし、資金が足りない。 KELAN GAINES をいっぱい買っちゃったから新たな農場を建設する資金が無い!😱アッチョンブリケ

    以下の画像をは紹介リンク付きBATTLE URLを含みます。


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