A Culinary Journey Of Flavour And Memories.

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Being a foodie, talking about food is one of the things that makes me very happy because I get to share with people what my relationship with food is and also educate people about it. The importance of food to every living organism can't be quantified because we need it to survive; without food, humans can't function properly as we should.

    Just like our actions are the product of our mind, the state of our body system is the product of the things we eat because the things we feed on have a lot of effect on us.

    My favorite illustration to explain the essence of food is comparing the human body to our smart devices. As awesome and useful as those devices are, they can't function without power (electricity), and that electricity for humans is food. Just like bad current can damage our smart devices, eating unhealthy food can cause havoc to our body system.

    I come from a family that places so much importance on food, and it didn't start with my generation. When I was younger, my dad told me a story about how food saved his parents and siblings from a ghastly accident that claimed lives. The incident made food a sacred thing, and this legacy has been passed on from that generation to this present one, so it's fair to say that I hail from a generation of foodies.

    Despite my love for food, I am one of those who pays attention to the details of every meal, from the preparation to serving it, and that's how I was raised. Growing up, my mom barely bought cooked food because she believes that many of those food vendors are just after profit and care less about the wellbeing of their customers, so no matter how tired she is, mom always made sure she cooked, except cooking wasn't an option for her at that time.

    She successfully passed on the habit to all her children, and I can't remember the last time I bought cooked food because I have developed so much connection with food and always want to make my meals. To make matters worse, many of the things I see online today wouldn't even inspire me to chase after cooked food because the majority of these meals aren't healthy. It's sad we have to pay more than we should for food that might end up messing with our body systems.

    As a certified foodie, I always enjoy cooking my meals. I don't depend on food vendors to satisfy my cravings, and that has helped me to learn new recipes, save money because it's cheaper when I make those meals, and finally, I can guarantee that the meal is hygienic.

    Being a Yoruba man, my favorite recipes are my local meals, even though I enjoy intercontinental meals as well. Over the years, I have tried eating just local recipes for a certain time, and it wasn't much of a problem for me, unlike when I did strictly intercontinental meals. I couldn't continue after the first day because my craving for local recipes hit on a different level.

    If I am being honest, I don't have a specific favorite local recipe because they all satisfy my cravings when my body demands them, but one of the local meals I eat often is semo and vegetable soup. I have been eating this food for decades and don't think I can ever get tired of it.

    Vegetable soup in general is my favorite soup, and there are many ways to enjoy different vegetable soups. They are nutritious and irresistible to me. I take vegetables with almost every meal, and that should explain how much I love them.

    Just filling our belly is not as important as eating healthy. Healthy meals guarantee a lot of things we don't want to miss out on, so even if we find cooking challenging, I always advise that you know your food vendors beyond what they look like behind the counter.

    I attached a few of my recipes below, and those foods were all prepared by me.

    Black Soup Recipe

    Groundnut Soup

    Ofe Nsala Soup

    You can also check out my blog for more delicious recipes. Thanks for reading.

    All Image The Post Were Captured By Me

    This is my entry today's prompt and the initiative is open to every member of the Hive community so feel free to check the ANNOUNCEMENT POST

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