Assalam o alikum my beautiful members of hive. How are you all? I hope you all are well and how are your fast going? So after too much time I am not participating in @jewelry but now I am back with my another post and another idea in this community.
Today I am going to make a ring 💍 for myself.
Actually I have a drees which is white and black in color and this dress is my most favourite dress because I love the colour combination of black and white.
I bought it 2/two months ago and I kept it till now. I like my dress very much that's why I kept it to wear on Eid.
I inspired with it's colour combinations then suddenly An idea is came in my mind that why don't I make a ring in black and white colour? How it's looks??
That's why I want to make a ring in black and white. In fact these colours are my most favourite colours.
I used some material to make it. The details are given below 👇.
So without wasting our time let's start the procedure
Final image
Here I had shared a video of the process so that you can understand it easily
Material required
• A piece of white paper/ sof cardboard
• A small circle
• UHU/ Glue
• Needle and theard
• Pearls
First I took a piece of soft cardboard and rolled it in my finger's size and attached a small circle with it.
Then I used needle and theard and added pearls by using that and made a circle of pearls and I added a pearl in the centre of that circle and I cut the theard. You can see the process in pictures.
After that I used UHU and attached it with soft cardboard and I colored the soft cardboard by using black colour.
I did rough colouring on it because I thought that it looks good on it. What you think 🤔? Please tell me in the comment box.
Now it's ready to represent.
I didn't know how it would turn out before making it,but after making it looks very good. I like it very very much. I hope you people will also like.
Did you like it?? Please don't forget to tell me. I am waiting.
This is my today's effort
I will be back soon with another idea (insha'Allah)
Till then Allah Hafiz and take care
And also remember me in your prayers
Bye bye 👋