in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hello beautiful people. Taking care of a home is not like we watch and see magic happen, looking back at parts 1 to 3, we know clearly that a home requires a lot of sacrificed and work, effort and time. These things are very important.

    It's not reality TV where things can just be spooked out of proportion and then people will cry and hug themselves at the end of the day. In reality, these little things, seemingly little, teat families apart for decades, sometimes for generations. The children love their mothers why the children fear their fathers because the mothers show them all the love they experience while the fathers showed them none. He just payed for their lifestyle and growth.

    This is why it's better to compromise and be available even if the man is shouldering all the bills, still be available to create memories with the people you are working so hard to pay the bills for. The woman also should do everything in her power to ease the stress of the man when it comes to paying the bills, if she can handle some, she absolutely should make the effort to do so and do it with all her heart.


    For bother gender, no one can cling to their roles and claim that that's all there is to it, the intertwined roleplay is the better choice as adulthood is war, you must have an ally to win the war against poverty, lack, stress, against breakdown and health challenges.

    It is also important that both parties try to make some money, gone are those say when only men make the money, if the man is fortunate in life and has the capacity to take care of his family without blinking an eye or straining an arm, then that's great, I subscribe for it, but if that's not the case, then both should join hands to make it work well. The better they do it together, the better they can use money to pay their way to ease.

    Sometimes, some people will have a good partner who will compromise, pay all the bills and show up at home and they will not appreciate their effort, they go as far as taking advantage of them and hitting them below the belt. This is after their partner has come through for them, and the partner will wonder what else is to be done before they are satisfied, they may be making money and refuse to give a full time house wife, making her starve for money or it may be the man, who just wants affection and to belong but the wife will essential tag him a money machine. These are serious issues that can create a physical, emotional and psychological gap leaving them to question their sanity and why we are even alive.

    There are so many examples and stories to tell on this particular front, should we stop being nice because we have unreasonable people in marriages? The answer is no. When we do our part of the job, play our role and then some, we can relax knowing we have done our best.

    We must make every effort to talk to those people who have chosen to be unreasonable and until you cannot help it any longer, then leave them to be, just keep doing your best and choose not be frustrated.

    Let me end this with a short story

    A story is told of a man who wanted to save a drowning scorpion; he reached out his hand and the scorpion stung him; he felt the pain but he did not back down; on the third trial, his friend inquired: “Man, why are you bent on saving the damn thing even as it hurts you at each trial?”; he replied: “The scorpion was created to sting; I was created to save”

    We were all created to Be NICE.

    This is wisdom, the wisdom that tells you fighting for gender equality should be a thing of the past, rather, people should fight for a better standard of living, upgrading their lives and looking out for each other doing what's necessary, doing what's important, doing what will elevate their standard of living.

    This wisdom is for a few people who are ready and willing to lay down their ego and sacrifice to work together and put everything they have into it, making sure it yields result at the end of the day.


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