Practice choosing the direction of attention / 注意の方向を選ぶ練習(English&Japanese)

in voilk •  5 months ago



    I started reading "Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?" It is a book on mental management.

    I saw this book in a bookstore last month and bought it on impulse. This is because I am aware that my mentality is not very strong and I want to do something about it. If there is a way to train my mind like muscle training, I want to know it, and if not, I want to know how to deal with my stress-prone personality…

    I am still in the early stages of the book, but I felt that this book was written exactly for people like me. It is packed with techniques on how people who are easily depressed, easily swept up in their emotions, and easily trapped by anxiety can maintain their mental health. The author, Julie Smith, is a psychologist and clinical psychologist.

    As an exercise to help us direct our attention in the right direction, it was stated that "writing out words of gratitude is effective." When I first read this part, I honestly thought, "I'm tired of hearing that, man". "Keeping a gratitude journal" and "writing down what you are grateful for" are not new techniques... I remember reading similar theories in various places in the past.

    But have I actually tried it? The answer is no... or more accurately, I tried, but never lasted. Every time I've been told to "keep a gratitude journal," I've started one, but I've probably never lasted more than three days. This is evidence that I rarely think about what I already have or what I'm happy with, and I don't focus my attention there. Instead, I found myself thinking only about what I want or lack....

    It doesn't matter what you write in your "gratitude journal." It is the process of trying to write about what I am grateful for that is important. So... "I can't keep a gratitude journal", which may directly indicate that I lack the ability to focus on the good side of things. Maybe I worry about what's ahead because I only pay attention to what's missing. So, maybe "keeping a gratitude journal" is an exercise in consciously focusing on the positive aspects of things, and if I keep it up, there is a chance that I can improve my tendency to be depressed... maybe?

    So, I'm going to start a practice today of writing down three things a day that I am grateful for, just like in the book. What kind of changes will appear? I'm kind of looking forward to it.




    『一番大切なのに誰も教えてくれない メンタルマネジメント大全』という本を読んでいます。先月、書店でこのタイトルを見て衝動買いしてしまいました。というのも、私はメンタルがあまり強いほうではないという自覚があり、何とかしたいと考えているからです😂



    良い方向へ注意を向ける練習として、感謝の言葉を書き出すと効果的だという記述がありました。最初このパートを読んだ時は、正直なところ「またコレか!」と思いました。というのも、「感謝の日記をつけましょう」「感謝していることを書き出してみましょう」というのは決して新しい手法ではありません… これまでにも、色んなところで似たような話を読んだ憶えがあります。

    ただ、じゃあ私が実際にやってみたかというと、やっていない… 正確には、続いたことがない。


    「感謝の日記」は、そこに何を書くかが大切なのではなく、感謝していることに注意を向けて書こうとすること自体が大切なのだと、この本には書かれていました。なるほど・・「感謝の日記が続かない」、それはそのまま、私が物事の良い面にフォーカスする能力に欠けているということを意味するのかもしれません。足りないものにばかり注意を向けているから、先のことが心配になるのかも。だから、「感謝の日記を続ける」ことは意識的に物事の良い面に注意を向けるための良い練習になり、続けることで凹みやすい性格を多少改善できる可能性はある… かも?!


    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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