My Actifit Report Card: March 19 2024 - Dutch Delights

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Although I see the same faces every day—those of the students and my coworkers—every day is different in my classroom.

    There is never a boring day!

    Dutch Delights: Since today's subject is "Bon appétit," we're making poffertjes, which are little Dutch pancakes prepared in a special pan.


    These tiny treats are incredibly tasty and covered in powdered sugar.


    The kids are having fun creating their own chef hats while the poffertjes are sizzling.

    This is especially true for one new student who would much rather curl up on my lap.


    In the meantime, the school's e-waste collecting initiative is a huge success outside of the classroom!

    Old appliances are being dropped off by people from all over the neighborhood, they are going to get repaired or recycled, to give them a second chance at life.


    Sunshine and Serenity: As I enjoy a slice of flan from a coworker who is celebrating a birthday, I take advantage of the springtime sunshine during my coffee break.


    The kids seem to be enthralled with the lovely weather since they are playing, chatting, and just enjoying themselves.


    Some go outside and use sidewalk chalk to draw masterpieces, while others take on daring hut-building projects.


    Music to My Ears: We close off the day on a melodic note.

    Even though their recorder attempts don't quite measure up to those of Mozart or Bach, their passion and commitment are incredibly motivating.

    Who knows, maybe for some of them these little recorders may be the beginning of a musical journey!


    Thinking Back on a Perfect Day: As the sun sets and warms my stroll home, I can't help but be thankful for yet another special and amazing day.


    This picture of perfect contentment is completed with a snug roof over my head and a tasty lasagna meal.

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    Wishing you all the best in life and much health.

    @meraki7578 💚

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    Is on discord.gif

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    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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