Photo log_5 Mar 2024_New company and new street

in voilk •  5 months ago


    I'm in my third week of commuting to the office at Gwanghwamun, and it still feels unfamiliar, so I'm still adjusting.

    There are so many old alleys around here that I find myself wandering in search of good restaurants during lunchtime. But it seems like almost every decent eatery is crowded with people waiting.

    Living happily while enjoying delicious food also requires studying and effort in this era. (The cost of living keeps rising, and food prices are becoming unreasonably expensive though.)"

    광화문 사무실로 출근한지 3주차인데, 아직은 낯선 곳이라 여전히 적응 중입니다.

    오래된 노포가 많아 점심시간마다 맛집을 찾아 다니느라 정신이 없습니다. 하지만 왠만한 맛집은 모두 대기가 있을 정도로 사람이 몰리네요.

    맛있는 걸 먹고 즐겁게 사는 것도 공부와 노력이 필요한 시대입니다. (물가도 오르고 음식값이 점점 터무니 없을 정도로 비싸집니다만)

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