Art & 3D Series: Trumpman's brain! /Reblog Lottery

in voilk •  25 days ago


    Welcome to the Art&3D Series in this edition I share something very special and cool that is very close to the hive community it's @trumpman's brain!

    Now I know what you may be thinking that looks way too big, and you would be right ! I had to scale it up quite a fair bit to be able to print it 🤣 I am just messing I love ya buddy.

    With all the jokes aside lets really get into it, I decided to print @thebighigg's guess for the contest he though the dolphin brain looked pretty cool so I figured it would be nice to print some stuff other folks suggest as a way to increase engagment.

    The Art

    So this piece is pretty cool indeed, the back story is that someone helped out a friend with a project and used a real dolphin MRI scan data to make this 3d model, seems like a nice dude but a bit of a burnout and he said he was not so sure which dolphin MRI scan he used but he share the one he thinks it is 🤣
    You can learn more in the link here


    The print

    Printed in black silk PLA, was fairly easy to print the supports came off fairly easily that is usually true for silk PLA they are very nice and shiny but also a bit more brittle comparing to regular PLA, I also used a raft however I could not remove some bits on the bottom but since it's not really a visible area I let it go.

    A raft is an option that prints your models and supports on a flat printed surface to help with bed adhesion it can reduce the chances that anything will get nocked down during the printing process.

    link to last weeks Art&3D post here and a picture of the printed art from last week.

    Reblog lottery

    We got 31 participants for our reblog lottery this time around.

    @blitzzzz @daddydog @duckmotor @ecencypoints @ekads @ene22 @esbat @florakese @guurry123 @henruc @hjrrodriguez @kungfukid @ladymisa @maddogmike @mirroredspork @monsterbuster @mxm0unite @nabbas0786 @necho41 @olaf.gui @oskarl21 @rebe.torres12 @servelle @stekene @sylmarill @trautenberk @vaynard86 @vrezyy @waynechuasy @ydm6669 and @youloseagain

    and the winner this time around is....


    And it looks like we got a dud better luck next time.

    @ene22! Congratulations enjoy your 10% profit share on this post and 5 HBI units , more about

    The reblog lottery continues so be sure to reblog this post to qualify, for a minimum 10% profit share on my next post and 5 HBI units (bonus wheel)

    This is all done automatically and I apply the winner to be a beneficiary for the post.

    Only reblogs before tomorrow 8pm Eastern Standard Time qualify for the lottery.

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    hive bullion exhange.jpeg

    You can find out more about the #silvergoldstackers community in this post here


    HOC Hive Onboarding Committee discord link here

    Weekly Post Schedule

    FridayStacker of the week
    SaturdayLazy Saturday post

    Profit share

    10% of this post earnings go to @ene22 for being our reblog lottery winner.
    10% goes to the HOC community account

    That's it for today's post thanks for stopping by your support is truly appreciated.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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