Garden Update - June 2024 - Not the best first attempt!

in voilk •  last month

    Greetings and a very happy Monday to everyone!

    Here is my little unpopular opinion...I LOVE Mondays. To me, they mean freedom to do what I want, no judgement or interruptions, a time for music and getting things done, my way.

    One of the best things to start one of these wonderful days with, is some time in the garden!

    The String-of-Pearls surprised me with some flowers!

    At the start of the warm season, I was very excited and maybe too eager to get into growing my own vegetable garden...something that ended up being mostly a learning experience...guess there is some value in finding out what not to do...

    Even though it doesn't look like much right now, the string-of-pearls is one of the few plants I have that is doing really well. This photo was taken right after I had moved the long strands/runners/I don't know what they are called bits into the main pot. They were starting to make little roots, so I am hoping that it'll fill out a little bit. Should look quite nice!

    The lavender, one of the first things I learnt to grow, is still going strong. I really love this plant and definitely want to try propagating more again next season.

    The strawberries are proving to be very hardy, after having survived a few incidents. Everything from cats trying to sit on them, garden service people knocking them over and even a few days with no water available. Maybe, if we are lucky, there will be many strawberries next season. Yum!

    I am attempting to grow some Mc Kana giants from seeds, so far, so good. I think they should be ready for a repotting soon, something which I am both nervous and excited about, as they seem to be rather slow growers, and I don't want to have to start over.

    ...Now, to get to my rather depressing attempt at growing vegetables...Out of the carrots, lettuce, basil, oregano, spinach and chili peppers I was attempting to grow, only the peppers managed to survive.

    All in all, I think I grew about enough to make a very small batch of hot sauce, if anything. But...I had fun and learnt some stuff, so there is value in failing. Next year we will try again, hopefully with better results!

    Well, that's it from me for today!
    Till next time!

    Credit - all photos are my own

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