Life here is not that bad.

in voilk •  3 days ago


    Normally I would say that the best thing about Lithuania is our basketball. But our great victories happened a while ago and now it is hard to call Lithuania a basketball nation because it is not even certain that we will play in Olympics. So me talking about basketball in this topic would probably be a bit dishonest/ nostalgic. So I will talk about basketball in a brighter times and for now instead I would like to talk about something else. So our topic for today will be affordability. Many people in Lithuania are not happy with money they are getting. And I can understand that in some cases people can have hard time getting by. This is especially true for single elders and families with a lot of kids. But I also believe that a lot of people are either exaggerating their financial problems or are buying a lot of shit they don't really need and/or can't afford. Me and my mother are far from rich but we manage to get by. We don't buy much in terms of lexurity or new clothes. For example I really wanted to buy Berserk manga. But I delayed buying it until I had enough money. That means that I saved for it several years. I never buy anything in instalments or by using credit. If I can't afford it I simply don't buy it. I used my previous glasses for about 10 or 11(?) years. I don't go to barber- I either trim my hair myself or ask my mother to do it. Neither of us can drive a car so we use a bus...So without spending too much on lexurity we manage to live quite decent life even with our modest income. I also read that on the other parts of the world- like Finland( and I assume Australia as well) things like electricity are insanely expensive... Compared to that I am very happy paying around 25 eur a month for electricity. So life in Lithuania is not ideal but it also is not as bad as many people would make you believe. You just got to live within your means.

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