Rising to the Challenge: Splinterlands Diamond League Strategies

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello, Splinterlands players, hope you all are well and your week is going well, although it is the first day of the week and the season is going to end tomorrow. These days I am having a lot of fun playing bottles. I have reached the diamond for the first time. I have 3100 ratings. Yes, my cards are not so good that I can go above this level, but I am having a lot of fun. Maybe this time the rewards are also much higher. Will be good, rest let's see what happens. Believe me, I am having a lot of fun, I am not able to achieve that many chests in my account, nor is the Battle SPS anything special, but I hope that this time the season chests will be very good, let's see what happens.
    it's hard to win in the upper league.

    If you have not yet joined the new weekly battle, then you can join it from here. There is still one day left Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge!, I hope that you will make a post before that, many people make posts in the initial days and this is also a good way, many times we forget to make posters but if you make a post in the initial days. If you create the post itself, then you don't have to worry. Everyone makes a post at their convenience. I don't have time and I prefer Monday or Sunday. Mostly I got a chance to make a post today because I was very busy yesterday. So, lets go the battle...


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    RULESET: Fab Four


    Up to four Units can be used.

    There were two more rulesets in the battle those were, Rise of the Commons ( Only common and rare units may be used in battles.) and Super Sneak (
    All melee units gain the Sneak ability. ), It is hard to choose cards for three rulesets at the same time, not all the time though. what about you?


    The mama cap was 18 and I was able to use all the types of elements but it is hard to choose which element you should choose in the battle. but sometimes we did get lucky while choosing the monsters. The was lucky that I have chosen the monsters and that did helped me a lot to win the battle.

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    So, my life up was :


    LOBB LOWLAND, I am using this summoner a lot I think that is because of the power of the summoner. The summoner does have its benefits of using it, I am sure many of us are using this summoner a lot.

    Palidon Rakk-:

    The first card on my lineup was Palidon Rakk, I haven't used this card that much. but I guess I didn't have that much choice. This card does have a special ability that is bloodlust (Every time this Unit defeats an opponent, it gets +1 to all stats.). That is only gonna help if this monster kills opponent monsters then after every single kill this card will be more strong. The card does have good stats. 13 health, 2 speed and 4 melee attacks. My opponent have used cursed windeku but still I did manage to kill it I think I was lucky that I have used this card in the first place.

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    Mushroom sheer -:

    The second card on my lineup was Mushroom sheer, this helped a lot in the battle to clear the first monster. The monster does have an ability that is Silence (Reduces the Magic attack of all enemy Units by 1.) The opponent was not using any magic card though but still, this helped a lot. the stats of the card were not that great but still, it did help. 4 health, 2 speed and 2 magic attacks. I was luck that I have used a magic card in the battle if not things would have need up otherwise.

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    Furious chicken-:

    The last card on the lineup was none other than Furious chicken, this card is indeed very famous among all the players if you do have space then use this card this can be very beneficial. This monster help to clear the back line of the opponent and it managed to survive till the end.

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    The battle was not to long but still it was fun to play what do you think ?


    So the man of the match is none other than, Palidon Rakk, this monster did manage to kill the opponent powerful card.

    battle link


    see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

    All the Images are Made Via Canva unless otherwise noted.

    Translated via Google Translator, The content is original.

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    Thanks a lot for staying till the end 😃🙏, Let me know what you think.

    Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because someone has a dream of what you have. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

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    Thanks & Regards

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