Starting the week right | Badminton Mondays and steak night

in voilk •  10 days ago

    Playing badminton and eating steak - two very contrary activities. Forming a good habit is always been a struggle for most of us, especially for me. Last year, I mentioned in my previous blogs that I've joined a badminton club that assembles every Monday and that I'd try my best to show up at least two Monday's a month. I also bought a new badminton racquet to officially seal the deal. Yes, I did, but not long after that, I stopped going because of the inconvenience of going to the venue.
    This year, the club changed their venue, two blocks away from our house. This must be God's sign that I should be playing again. So I went for the first time this year. I had this friendly competition within myself- to try to win all my matches.
    Compared to my first few tries last year, this time, I felt oddly satisfied. Showing up and being part of the group didn't feel like a task I have to do just to please people but more like a reward I give myself. I also want to become better with badminton and practice my spikes.
    After the game, I went home just in time for dinner. My sister was cooking the rib eye steak. She said she loves rosemary so she added a good amount of the dried herbs to the steak. I thought it was too much, but surprisingly, it goes well with the steak. My other family members opted to have their steak "well done" because they avoided the beef blood. So their steak taste just like Porkchop but more tender and juicy. Either way, we all enjoyed dinner. All my calories burned from playing badminton was gained from eating again haha.

    That's it for today's blog. See you in my next one!

    Sending some love and light

    With love, Jane

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