Voluntary Actions In The Church, MCGI TOPIC REVIEW

in voilk •  4 months ago

    In the church we must learn to serve God willing and obediently. There are those things which are commanded and there are those ones which are not commanded.

    There are actions we will carry out in the church out of our own free will. The things that we are commanded to do are the commandments of God. Those are the doctrines of Jesus Christ which we are learning in the Bible. But aside from those ones which we are taught in the doctrines, there are other services which we will do in the church out of our own free will.


    Vows are voluntary actions. We make vows out of our own free well. We can commit our selves with a vow when we are in the place of prayers. The Bible instructs us that we should fulfill our vows. Whenever we vow before God, we must fulfill our vows. Any person who vows without fulfilling it is a fool. God does not like a person who are not serious with what they say.

    Church Contributions

    Giving contributions is one of the voluntary actions which we will do in the church. Contributions in church are not what we should do out of compulsion. We should give our contributions willingly. Bro Eli Soriano frowned at the attitude of giving levy to people.


    Thanksgiving is another voluntary action that we can carry out in the church. In whatever we do, we should tell God thank. We should thank Him for providing for us; we should thank Him for protecting us. We should give thanks to God individually or as a family or a community.

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