Kings day in the Netherlands!

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Today is one of the more awesome holidays of the year in the Netherlands. Kings day is the game, and the whole country is turning orange. These festivities are all because of the birthday for the King of the Netherlands Willem Alexander and their last name is 'van Oranje' which means 'from Orange' in Dutch.

    Before Willem Alexander was King there was Queens day which was on the 30th of April and that was for the Queen Beatrix, whose birthday was actually in January.

    Are you still following? So the holiday and the festivities shifted a couple of days and these days always feel like a bit to early, because it was still rain and rainy the most of the years as I remember.


    One of the bigger moments around Kingday is always Kings nigth which was yesterday evening. I remember from other years that I was dancing throughout the night outside even with a beany on my head because it was so cold still.

    And so it was yesterday as well. A thick jacket and a hoodie were the ingredients for the outdoor setting and it was nice to see some familiar faces.

    Traditional program

    Usually the program on Kingsday is a bit cheesy is you ask me. The royal family ges to a city, gets a tour, shakes hands and does all kinds of traditional games with the people of the city.

    On the one hand it is good to see the royal family interacting with the public which is good for their familiarities, but the cheesyness of doing old fashinioned games seems a bit outdated to me. I would appreciate it a lot more if there would be more community related moving-forward projects that they would participate on, versus the old fashioned one. But hey ...who am I


    The rest of the country will be orange and will be celebrating today outside for the most. With in the morning a lot of flea markets (I don't know why this is always the case but it feels like the whole world is doing a garage sale from their old crap in the house) and later on a lot of music and beers in general this is a really fun day.

    Here in the city of Eindhoven the major orientation is electronic music on Kings day which means that there are are stages everywhere and the beats go on and on. People come from all of out town to give it a dance and I guess there are more than 30 stages and areas to do something throughout the city.


    My regular hangout spot already has like 7 stages of techno music, so there will be a lot to do and choices to be made on where to hang out. Check out the entire program here

    Time to go for a bit of a chill for the moment and hit the outside world again. The sun is starting to shine and it is screaming for doing more fun stuff!

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