The Magic of Astrology

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Do you believe in astrology as much as I do? Or how I met someone with whom I have at least 22 compatibility indicators 😝

    We have the same Ascendants, with only a 10-degree difference — his is at 11°, mine at 22°.
    His Mars is conjunct his asteroid Lena in his 4th house.
    His asteroid Pholus is conjunct my asteroid Lena in the 10th house.
    His Chiron is conjunct my Black Moon (Lilith).
    His North Node of the Future is conjunct my country.
    His asteroid Ceres is conjunct my Jupiter and Sun, under the protection of his Black Moon — all of this is in the 8th/9th houses 🫣.
    His name asteroid is in my 7th house, just like my name asteroid is in his 4th house 😝.
    His Sun is conjunct my Neptune.
    His Jupiter is conjunct my Uranus.
    His asteroid Moldova is conjunct my asteroid Juno.
    His Uranus is conjunct my Saturn and Mars (yes, these two are always a team for me 😝🤯).
    His country asteroid is conjunct my Pluto.
    His Venus is conjunct my 5th house.
    His Mars/Lena is conjunct my 4th house.
    My Mars, Saturn, and Juno are conjunct his 6th house and Uranus.
    My asteroid Eros is conjunct his 7th house.
    My asteroid Ceres is conjunct his 3rd house.
    My Mercury is conjunct his Midheaven (MC).
    Our Plutos are conjunct in Scorpio.
    My Part of Fortune is conjunct his Venus.
    My Vertex is conjunct his Uranus.
    😝 On the day we actually met, his name asteroid was transiting my Ascendant in exact conjunction 🫣🤯🤦‍♀️.
    Magic. Pure magic. 🥂

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