My job my pride

in voilk •  4 months ago

    I think I've once shared what I do offline here, but I can't get tired talking about it over and over again because it's what I actually love doing.
    I love hive and I can't do without it in a day, even in days that I'm so tired or too occupied to post, I still find time to do one or two things on the blockchain. So as much as I love hive, being online blogging and engaging with people, I'm very active offline aswell as a teacher. Yeah I'm a teacher by profession and even though at first I didn't see reasons why I should go into teaching but while I was doing the job I started developing passion for it. Building lives became that which I cherish so much, I make sure that when I'm teaching I do my best so that my student will understand what I'm passing to them.


    Education is the best legacy, it's one of those vital things you could give or pass to someone and they keep appreciating you for life. Passing knowledge across to my student is something I don't take with levity, because I know that what I'm imparting to them will help them in one way or other to become a better person in future.
    There was a time I was aspiring to become a banker or work in a big company but later I started seeing the great advantage of being a teacher.
    Amongst other things I know I'll be helping myself to know more about my field of study, because as a teacher you can't teach what you don't know, I want my student to be outstanding so I have to be well-grounded and keep updating my knowledge so I can aswell build my student to the very appropriate standard.

    Also, as a teacher we're dealing with lives, what we teach our student will determine what will actually become of them, so apart from teaching them about the subject we're to teach them, we also teach them good behavior, culture, morals, values etc. All these will help them associate well with the society thy find themselves.
    Unfortunately, teachers are not well taken care of in my country, weret not well paid and it's funny how the government wants teachers to do extraordinary things and go extra mile in giving the best education to students whereas these same teaches are underpaid. The service we're rendering is way more higher than the payment we're getting for our services. One can't compare the outstanding treatment given to teachers in some countries to my country, the difference is very clear.


    My job is very important and can't be neglected in the society, because there will always be a need of people who can train and teach the young ones to become knowledgeable as well. Teaching is something that will continue to exist though it might change form in the future but people can't do without learning, because if learning should stop, growth and development will stop as well and I don't think there's any society that's running away from development.

    Just like I said earlier that sometime ago I was dreaming and working towards becoming a banker or working in a company but when I started knowing better and seeing the advantage of the job I'm doing, the time it creates for me to also do some side hustles like hive blockchain.
    I do not think I'm ready to leave teaching line anytime soon though I wish to upgrade to being a lecturer, I pray it works.


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