My Actifit Report Card: April 27 2024

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Hi to all my actifiters friends around the worlds, how are you doing today? i am hoping that you are all healthy. This time i want to share my activity. Errrr.. i dont have any activity today. Just walking in the morning. And doing some cleaning in my house with my wife. And i dont know, maybe because of many dust in my house makes me sneezing all day until now. From morning till night. Yeah i am allergic to dust, fur, cold. But mostly fur and dust that makes me sneezing all day. And now my nose is watery and very itchy. And it very annoying. I still can do anything but stopped a second to sneezing. Dang i hate this sensitive nose. But, hey i need to eat something good for dinner. My wife ordered Gurame for dinner, and this food is very delicious. It is very long time we dont have eat fish. Yeah in my town, fish is really expensive. I spent 7$+ just to eat 1 fish. Thats very expensive for me. If you think it is still cheap. Compared with my revenue in one day , this menu is expensive. Usually i can barely get around 5-8$/ day. And it just for one meal only. So, thats why i can say that this menu is expensive. If only i can get 30-50$/ day, i can eat fish menu 3 times a day man. But yeah that is just dream. at least for now. Dont know for the future. Hopefully my hardwork will be paid someday. Ohhh... Maybe if i discipline saving in hive i can get passive income more than 50$/ day someday. Maybe if you have suggestion how to make my dream faster, you can drop in the comment guys. I appreciate it and if i can work on it, i will do it.
    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

    Daily Activity
    180 cm
    82 kg
    Body Fat

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