in voilk •  2 months ago

    Hello everyone and welcome to my blog at this hour. As humans, most of us are fond of finding excuses for our actions instead of owing up to our faults and find ways of becoming a better version of ourselves. One of the common excuses people give for engaging in domestic violence, child abuse, or verbal abuse is the excessive use of alcohol. This argument may not be totally true. Well, sit back and let's look into the topic more indepthly.


    There is a high chance that people who indulge in excessive alcohol usage may be quick to get involved in one kind of abuse or the other because it may be difficult for them to handle certain situations due to the alcohol in their body system. The alcohol may have conditioned their whole system not to function in a sane manner thereby hnidering them from thinking straight.

    But, I'm pretty sure that there are some people who drink alcohol who doesn't engage in domestic abuse or any other type of abuse, no matter how intoxicated they are. Most of the cases of abuse that are been reported on social media or in the daily newspapers are not usually associated with alcohol. They are acts that are done with clear intentions. However, alcohol usage may serve as a confidence booster for some who needs courage to execute their plans.


    A person who beats or speaks rudely to his or her partner may blame it on alcohol because they don't want to take full responsibility for their actions. Whereas, these actions are often times influenced by our environment - the people or things we associate with on a daily basis. For example, a person who is caught violating an infant didn't engage in such act out of the influence of any substance, it is the inability to control his/her sexual urge.

    In other words, domestic abuse, child abuse, verbal abuse and other types of abuses can be caused by inability to get hold of one's temper, hunger to control or boss over one's partner, friend, colleague and even strangers. Excessive consumption of alcohol and other related substances may also trigger them but it should not always be on the lips of the abusers as an excuse. When we have a grip of our anger and emotions, we would realize that there is no substance that can easily trigger us to misbehave. We all have that tendecy to be violent when we're extremely angry about something or someone but what makes some people unique is the ability to put their emotions in check.

    Even though excessive drinking of alcohol can affect people's ability to think straight and by extension impairing their self control, it is not always the sole reason for those actions. Alcohol can reduce a person's ability to resolve conflict in a peaceful and non violent manner but other factors such as the urge to get revenge or the need to satisfy a particular lustful desire will fuel it.


    The Law of every country does not welcome any form of filthy excuse for committing any form of abuse especially when it is to the extreme. Anyone who is guilty of any kind if abuse will surely be punished irrespective of class or status. We have seen it pan out so many times in the news and social media. This is the more reason we should ne able to control our urge and emotions.


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