[Esp-Ing] Mini: Gatita Triste /Mini: Stingy kitten

in voilk •  2 months ago


    Hola amantes a los animales de la comunidad #hivepet, no puedo pasar por aqui sin contarles algo muy triste que le paso a Mini, ella es una gatuna muy bella de color negra con blanco; pues ya ha tenido otros partos es muy buena madre.

    Pero esta vez tuvo una mala experiencia con sus cachorros, ella vive en el lugar donde trabajo; todos le tenemos mucho cariño por su manera cariñosa, le damos comida y estamos muy pendiente de ella.

    En en ambulatorio llegan muchos pacientes, ya la conocen; pues claro ella mantiene una distancia, pero cuando cae la tarde sale a darnos su amor, a mi me encanta rascarle la barriguita.

    A raiz de eso nos dimos cuenta que estaba embarazada, tenia una panzota inmensa; con razon estaba gordita y come mucho.

    Esta semana me toca turno diurno, pero cuando llego me doy cuenta que su barriga estaba mas pequeña, pregunto al personal del ambulatorio si ya tenia sus gatitos y me dicen que si, pero con cara de tristeza.

    Me cuenta que ella tuvo tres bebes, pero donde los tenia era muy inseguro por tal motivo agarro uno de sus mininos con su boca y los estaba trasladando de lugar, cuando se dieron cuenta un perro habia matado dos de los gatitos y se estaba comiendo uno😫.

    Los vigilantes se dieron cuenta, espantaron al perro, no pudieron hacer nada; era muy tarde.

    La gata volvio a buscar a sus otros bebes gatitos y comenzo a maullar cuando se dio cuenta que estaban sin vida, inmediatamente se fue para donde habia dejado el otro gatito.

    Solo le quedo uno de sus hijos para consolarse, aunque sus bellos ojos reflejan tristeza, esta sobreprotectora mam le da mucho amor a su pequeño.

    Todos sentimos su dolor cuando maulla y nos ponemos muy triste, ahora es cuando le damos mas cariño.

    No se; si los animales se les olvida esas cosas, pero me rompe el corazon no haberla ayudado a tiempo, solo queda disfrutar al pequeño y afortunado sobreviviente.

    Fotos de mi autoria.


    Hello animal lovers of the #hivepet community, I can not pass by here without telling you something very sad that happened to Mini, she is a very beautiful black and white cat; she has already had other births and is a very good mother.

    But this time she had a bad experience with her kittens, she lives in the place where I work; we are all very fond of her because of her affectionate way, we give her food and we are very attentive to her.

    In the ambulatory many patients arrive, they already know her; of course she keeps her distance, but when the evening falls she comes out to give us her love, I love to scratch her tummy.

    After that we realized that she was pregnant, she had a huge belly; no wonder she was chubby and eats a lot.

    This week it was my day shift, but when I arrived I noticed that her belly was smaller, I asked the staff at the clinic if she had her kittens and they said yes, but with a sad face.

    She tells me that she had three babies, but where she had them was very unsafe, so she grabbed one of her kittens with her mouth and was moving them, when they realized that a dog had killed two of the kittens and was eating one of them😫.

    The watchmen noticed, shooed the dog away, they could do nothing; it was too late.

    The cat went back to look for her other baby kittens and started meowing when she realized they were lifeless, she immediately went to where she had left the other kitten.

    She only had one of her children left to comfort her, although her beautiful eyes reflect sadness, this overprotective mom gives a lot of love to her little one.

    We all feel her pain when she meows and we get very sad, this is when we give her more affection.

    I don't know; if animals forget these things, but it breaks my heart not to have helped her in time, it only remains to enjoy the little and lucky survivor.

    Photos of my authorship.

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