My Furry Friend Is Therapy For Me. / Mi Peludo Es Terapia Para Mi.

in voilk •  last month


    ***It is a pleasure to greet you again beautiful and dear Hive Pets community. ☺️ ***

    These last weeks have been very difficult, things have happened that I have not been able to control and I have been anxious, discouraged, and with the emotions in an up and down, because my mom has been sick I had to be absent for a while, well that warranted that my furry not feel my presence, something that distressed me a lot is that he is already old, and I was worried that being so absent he would be sad in a big way.

    Every time I was absent for long hours, I talked to him, looked him in the eyes and told him, Sortario I have to go out, I am going to take care of grandma who is sick but I will be back soon, do not cry and behave well, take care of the house, take it easy, daddy is coming now and I will not be late.

    It broke my heart to see how when I finished talking to him, he just put his head down and went under the bed, but I was calm because my husband would take good care of him.

    When I came home from taking care of mom, he would greet me as always with a toy in his trunk and his tail wagging back and forth, I could arrive exhausted and distressed but he would give me a big smile, plus seeing his little face inviting me to play and give him his prize, that was priceless.

    I don't know how it happens, I don't know how he does it, but my little furry one has helped me to see life not so difficult and complicated, I can sometimes be tired and overwhelmed but he can transform that moment just by following me wherever I go, whether to the bathroom, the living room, the kitchen, there he is with his innocence and fidelity.

    I love my furry, I love his look, I love that he follows me, I love how he is, I love taking care of him and giving him cuddles, I love him and that is therapy for me.

    He doesn't have to do much, just be himself, it's hard for me to look at him and not talk to him, it's hard for me to see him wag his tail and not give him a kiss on his little head, it's hard not to reward him when he deserves it, and that's therapy for me.

    Yes, it is therapy for me when I get up in the morning and he greets me by lying on the floor wagging his tail as if to say good morning.

    ***Definitely the love of our pets is priceless, our responsibility is to love them and respect them.

    Thank you for reading and for the support, until a new opportunity, the Creator bless you.

    Photos of my property taken and edited with my Tecno Spark 20c phone.
    Collage used: CollageMaker.
    Separators and figures from Microsoft Word.


    ***Un gusto en saludarles nuevamente hermosa y querida comunidad de Hive Pets. ☺️ ***

    Estas últimas semanas han sido muy difíciles, han pasado cosas que no he podido controlar y he estado ansiosa, desanimada, y con las emociones en un sube y baja, debido a que mi mamá ha estado enferma tuve que ausentarme por un tiempo, bueno eso ameritaba que mi peludo no sintiera mi presencia, algo que me angustiaba mucho es que él ya está anciano, además me preocupaba que por estar tan ausente él se entristeciera en gran manera.

    Cada vez que me ausentaba por largas horas, le hablaba, le miraba a los ojos y le decía, Sortario yo tengo que salir, voy a cuidar a la abuela que está enferma pero voy a volver pronto, no llores y pórtate bien, cuida la casa, tranquilo que papá viene ahora y yo no me tardo.

    Eso me partía el corazón ver como al terminarle de hablar el solo agachaba su cabecita y se metía debajo de la cama, pero yo quedaba tranquila porque mi esposo lo cuidaría bien.

    Cuando regresaba de cuidar de mamá y llegaba a casa, me encontraba con la bienvenida más alegre que uno pueda tener, me recibía como siempre con un juguete en su trompa y con su cola moviéndola de aquí para allá, yo podía llegar exhausta y afligida pero él me sacaba una gran sonrisa, además que al ver su carita invitándome a jugar y darle su premio, eso no tiene precio.

    No sé cómo pasa no sé cómo lo hace, pero mi pequeño peludo me ha ayudado a ver la vida no tan difícil y complicada, puedo estar a veces cansada y agobiada pero él puede transformar ese momento solo con seguirme a donde voy, ya sea al baño, a la sala, la cocina, allí esta con su inocencia y fidelidad.

    Amo a mi peludo, amo su mirada, amo que me siga, amo como él es, amo cuidarlo y darle mimos, lo amo y eso es terapia para mí.

    Él no tiene que hacer mucho, solo ser el mismo, es difícil para mí mirarle y no hablarle, es difícil para mi verle mover su cola y no darle un beso en su pequeña cabecita, es difícil no premiarlo cuando se lo merece, y eso es terapia para mí.

    Sí, es terapia para mí cuando me levanto por las mañanas y me saluda tirándose al piso moviendo la cola como dándome los buenos días.

    Definitivamente el amor de nuestras mascotas no tiene precio, nuestra responsabilidad está en amarles y respetarles.

    Gracias por leer y por el apoyo, hasta una nueva oportunidad, el Creador les bendiga.

    Fotos de mi propiedad tomadas y editadas con mi teléfono Tecno Spark 20c.
    Collage usado: CollageMaker.
    Separadores y figuras de Microsoft Word.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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