The creative garden 🏑 weekly challenge 2024 ..πŸ§…πŸ§…πŸ§…πŸ§…πŸ§… onion cultivation program for everyone. and enjoyed your won work πŸ§…πŸ§…πŸ§…πŸ§…πŸ§…

in voilk β€’Β  5 months ago

    My own create onion πŸ§… cultivation program and Insecticide spray πŸ§…πŸ§…πŸ§…πŸ§…πŸ§…


    College photo..


    Greetings to all and devotional salam assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu as we muslims have to start by saying bismillah at the beginning of our work so that the creator gives us mercy. So anyways starting with today's cultivation program to share with you. I decided this morning to control the weeds in my onion field today. I gave insecticide today.

    Step 1.


    First of all we took a container for using pesticides i.e. a machine used for spraying pesticides and filled it completely with water and then the amount of 20 i.e. pesticides was poured into it by mixing with a stick or any other object. This is done so that the pesticide is mixed well and weed control is good, that's why the pesticide should be mixed with something after pouring.

    step 2 πŸͺœ.

    Then after taking the pot to spray the pesticide we have to take the pesticide one of our company sponsored us or they said that this pesticide is good discussion or this pesticide is suppressing the weeds very well and only if we suppress the weeds well the crop production is high and the main capacity of the crop is increased. . The pesticide we used was called Activar. Which was from Amadion company and which is 100% effective for pest control we used it let's see how it gives results hope it will be good.


    step 3 πŸͺœ.


    Now the next step is to fill the water, that is to say, how much water should we take in the container in which we will spray the pesticide or according to the amount of life determination capacity, we will fill the container with water and then the pesticide should be mixed well inside it so that the pesticide is fully formed. At some point it will be seen that if a small amount of pesticides can be mixed, then the pesticides that are being used to control the weeds in the land will remain in the weeds but the crops will be damaged more. Pesticides should be sprayed evenly and well mixed.

    step πŸͺœ 4.

    Caste Introduction:


    Suitable land and soil: Fertile sandy loam soil is best for onion cultivation. Onion cultivation in monsoon requires elevated land where rainwater does not accumulate. The land should have irrigation and drainage system.

    Seedling production: 25-30 grams of seeds are required for each seed bed of 3 and 1 meter size. Onion can be cultivated in rabi and kharif season. Seeds are sown under seed bed in July-August (Shravan-Bhadra) for Kharip season and February-March (Magh-Phalgun) for Rabi season. The land is cleared of weeds and plowed well and seed beds of 3/1 meter size are kept for a week with a ladder. Before sowing the seeds, the seeds should be soaked in the previous evening and the next day should be picked up and dried in the sun for 1 hour and then sown in the seed bed. After sowing the seeds should be covered with loose soil. Shading should be provided in the bed on the day after sowing. The seed bed should be covered during the day and open at night. If necessary, water should be given with a shower.


    Some information ℹ️

    Immunity of onion and measures to prevent diseases I am sharing with you these songs from the text book according to which I have cultivated.


    **Fertilizer management: 8-10 tons of dung, 250-270 kg of urea, 190-20 kg of TSP and 150-170 kg of MOP fertilizers are applied per hectare in onion land. During land preparation, 160-170 kg of urea and other fertilizers should be mixed in the soil. After 20 days of transplanting, the remaining urea fertilizer is applied.

    Irrigation and weed management If there is a lack of sap in the land, irrigation should be done. Drainage should be kept during monsoon season so that rain water cannot stand. The land should be kept free from weeds. After irrigation, the land should be loosened by harrowing. In the case of onion tuber production, the flower buds should be broken as soon as they appear.**

    Insect name: Thrips

    Introduction: Thrips are small insects that are not easily noticed, but because they suck the juice of the leaves, more attacks cause the leaves to dry up and the plant dies and the yield is reduced.

    How to identify the insect: The female insect is slender, yellowish. Males are dark brown. Baby bugs are yellow or white. Long spots are seen on their backs.

    Symptoms of damage: Leaves turn silvery or have tiny brown spots or spots due to sap-sucking. If the attack is heavy, the leaves dry up and die. Tubers are small and deformed.

    Favorable Environment: Presence of alternate host.

    Life cycle: The female lays 45-50 eggs within the cells of the leaf.

    In 5-10 days the eggs hatch into nymphs. The nymph goes through two stages in 15-30 days. In the first stage it takes food and in the second stage it remains in the soil without taking food. They reproduce 8 times a year and female insects are able to give birth without mating with male insects.*


    Disease management
    *Disease Name : Purple Bossnach / Bossnite

    Introduction: This disease causes the most damage to onion. Leaves and stems of plants are affected at any age. Onion does not flower and yields are reduced due to heavy infestation. Infected seeds cannot be stored for long. The market price falls.

    Cause of disease: This disease is caused by Alternaria pori and Stemphyllium botryosum.

    Pattern of damage: First small water-soaked light purple spots are formed on the stem. The spots grow into large patches and the affected area becomes dry and scaly.

    - Infected leaves gradually die from the upper side.
    *- When the spots of the affected area at the base of the leaf or stem increase, the leaf or seed-bearing stem suddenly collapses, the seeds are malnourished and the yield is low.

    Now job is finished and time to rest time..

    Thanks for everyone and special thanks for all community members and supporters. I will always be grateful to you . I want to grow through my actions. Everyone will be well, be healthy and be well yourself and try to keep others well and try to keep the environment beautiful and clean. Thank you all. Special thanks for @riverflows @gardenhive ..

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