Attack on Titan: My review after the first episode

in voilk •  2 months ago

    I've been hearing about Attack on Titan for a while now and it has been my desire to watch it. I finally watched the first episode and I have my opinions about it so far, which I am eager to share. Hence this review.

    The first episode which premiered in 2013, has a slow start, which I think was necessary for the build up. It starts with Eren waking up from a dream about titans. He woke up really disturbed only to see his friend, Mikasa in front of him. Both of them went to fetch some woods and were on their way back. The dream was so bad that Eren was crying when he woke up, but interestingly, he couldn't remember the dream after he woke up.

    100 years ago, giant creatures called Titans attacked and almost wiped out humans. The remaining humans were able to find shelter and safety within three walls namely Maria (the outermost wall), Rose (the middle wall) and Sina (the innermost wall). Those walls have kept out the titans for a century.

    As Eren and Mikasa walked back to the town, they came across some soldiers. Eren was mad that they were so relaxed and undisturbed instead of being alert and prepared in case the Titans bridge the wall. Eren seemed to be the only one concerned about a Titan invasion.

    Eren was sick and tired of life within the walls. It was boring to him. He felt that everyday was a repetition of the same routine, eat and sleep. Somehow, he wanted adventure, he wanted to go outside and see what it's like out there. But of course, going outside seemed like an outrageous thing to those in the town. No one really wanted to do that because of the dangers that lurk outside.

    I must say, I understood Eren's point of view. It must have been distasteful to see everyone so satisfied with just living normal boring lives and not wanting to explore. Everyone seemed so relaxed..

    Soldiers (also called scouts) from the city went out to fight the Titans but most of them came back injured and some even died. Eren saw this, but he still wanted to join them. He wanted to join the scouts, which was to the dismay and disapproval of his parents, especially his mother. Eren really wanted to go outside, but his mother was not having it. She couldn't risk losing her child to the dangers of the outside.

    Eren to me seems like a stubborn kid. He is eager to prove himself, willing to run into danger and face it head on. His mother knew that he needed saving from himself, so she pleaded with his friend, Mikasa to always have his back.
    Eren's other friend, Armin shared the same concern with Eren that someday, the Titans could breach the wall. Just as Eren, Mikasa and Armin were together, a heavy lightening struck that shook the ground.

    This is where the tragic action began. A bigger titan showed up and the outer wall, Maria, was breached. It was pure mayhem as people scampered for safety while others got eaten.

    In the midst of the mayhem, Eren watched as his sweet mother was eaten by a titan, and he could do nothing.

    That was such a tragic scene. It is the kind of experience that could scar someone for life. It's not easy losing a loved one in such a manner. I believe this experience would take Eren on the path of revenge.

    From the first episode, especially the ending, I can tell that a lot of fireworks in terms of drama is coming. I feel it will get more interesting. I am looking forward to seeing what rest of the series has in store, but so far, I have enjoyed it.

    I enjoyed it because it had strong emotions in it. It also had anxious moments. I would rate this first episode 8/10 and I hope it continues that way or even better.

    Images are screenshots from the show

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