INTROVERSION and EXTROVERSION||Finding the balance

in voilk •  4 months ago

    I missed last week's edition and though It's exam week, I just couldn't miss this week's own. So, here:

    Would you call yourself a social person or not? As a social person, how are you able to keep up with your activities and maintain your social life? As a non-social person, are you comfortable with it? Is there any way it has affected your relationship with others?

    (Clears throat) WARNING: this may include streaks of confused cuteness since the writer is what you would call a cutie patootie. Muah! Read on.

    Now, you must already know what it means to an introvert and what it means to be an extrovert (we'll talk about it some other time) A lot of people know of introverts and extroverts,....some know about ambiverts who find a balance between being introverted and extroverted yet just a few know about omniverts.

    While ambiverts find a balance between being introverted and extroverted, omniverts can not find such balance. So, they often find themselves leaning more into one than they other. But just like you can be both introverted and extroverted i.e being an ambivert, you can simultaneously be an omnivert. It's quite a simple yet complicated thing just like the human body and well, I'll just make a disclaimer that these are just what i learnt from the net and i may be wrong or right but well, definitions may differ just like opinions.

    It is said that while ambiverts find a balance between both introversion and extroversion, omniverts find themselves struggling to maintain a consistent balance between the two and thus, finds themselves without a balance making them more flexible? This is an interesting topic for me. So, yes, you might be on the lookout for a post on it because, i will surely make one!

    Personally, i have never been the one to be called a social person but still not a not social person, i have never totally been introverted or totally extroverted. While i sometimes say I'm an ambivert, i think i would fit in more as an omnivert.

    In my early years, i was more into my introverted self and i would only limit my interaction with people to my little friend group and when it's not them, i find it hard to communicate. Then, i usually preferred my own company and i still do but it's not as concentrated as before. I have always preferred quality over quantity when it comes to my relationships. I have to prepare myself for hugs even with my friends but I liked and still like those deep conversations. And for one, i used to create this fantasy world in my head....i get told i look unapproachable probably due to my RBF, i got called weird so much, i now see it as a compliment.

    I read somewhere that apart from being an ambivert, you can actually transition from being an extrovert to an introvert or it can go the other way. Though that wasn't or isn't the case for me. I find myself being more or trying to be more social than i used to be. I say hi to strangers when i feel like it. I can be flexible, i love being spontaneous and i can be quite talkative sometimes but mostly with my friends. And well, i still lack the consistency and balance in those traits because if i don't feel like it, starting a conversation with me won't happen but an active listener, i is at all times (scratch that and make it, most times) this minute, i detest small talks andddd the next minute, i get bubbly and initiate small convos. Sometimes, it's like a situation of identity disorder when you don't know what personality is yours and i think that's why im into the whole personality study thing, because then it makes you understand that its normal and nothing is wrong with you. Its like its you and a thousand others, you get?

    Chile, although i am tapping into my extroverted self more, i still try to maintain a little friend group because then, i get to connect with them and listen, you know? I wouldn't say that being both introverted and extroverted has affected me much but confusing, yes! Because moreso as an omnivert, i cannot find the balance and never know when I'll get bubbly or prefer my solitude but yeah, its a process. It's all a process.. .

    Just like the way you're processing your feelings for me? Hahaha, love ya too and Your comments, upvotes and reposts are deeply appreciated by @mesonia 🌹

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