Good Day Friends,
Today I have decided to express myself in a poetic manner, although, the poem also come with a painting of myself which I made almost two years ago. Enjoy....

I would make it to the heart of Ace for I am good as no one else;
I would, yes, I would stand by the law,
Not because I'm law abiding but for the love of humanity;
I would stand by you, not because I love you but because I want to;
I would be the one you want to see again,
For I respect your soul even in ignorance.
I would be the one who wins at last,
For I start faintly but finish understanding!
The poem above is a reflection of my inner self and what I stand for. I love to do this cause I want to not because I need to, I know a lot of people would find this questionable but I've discovered that selfishness has her own room in the house of greatness and peace does come around too.
Live your life well, most importantly, live it for you!
Kindly share your thoughts as comments below, I'll be glad to read and reply them all. Thanks.