in voilk •  5 months ago


    Hurray!!!, the month of January has finally ended and the month of February has eventually started. Phew, it almost felt like the world was at a standstill at some point in time, and it also felt like the month of January had more than 31 days in it, and all this was because of how slow everything moved, it made the month a bit boring, and i was just so eager to crossover into the month of February, and as we all know, the month of February is a fast incomplete month, and in no time we will be welcoming the month of March, which is a bad thing for me to an extent 😂, examination is knocking so hard on my door, if you know you know 😂...

    I have always been hearing different facts about the first month of the year, facts like January being the slowest month of the year and so on, but i never believed it until now that i have experienced it first hand, the craziest fact is that i have never noticed this before now, or you can also say i was completely oblivious of the most known facts…

    Well, that is all in the past, and now i am completely in the know of this fact, January is indeed the longest month of the year. January came with a lot of stress and bills, only few people can relate lol, i have been spending since the beginning of the year and now it is looking pretty crazy, and right now i have decided to take a pause on anything that is not in my budget and is causing me stress and frustration, it’s high time i set up some ground rules to keep some things in check...

    The month of January was indeed an interesting and frustrating month for many reasons, we all have had our different shares of its goodness and frustrations, which also means i have also had my own share of its goodness and frustrations, and that has brought us to todays topic, join me as i share one of my worst experiences in the month of January, fret not guys, it’s gonna be fun and straight forward, so let’s dive right in…


    It all started on the 29th of December 2023, which happens to be two days to new year, i was at home that day preparing a couple of things for the new year celebrations, when i suddenly remembered what i had initially planned for my new year celebrations, the plan was made but there was no fiat to set the plan in motion, so I decided to convert some of my saved hive into fiat to cover the expenses of my new year plans…

    I transferred funds to my binance account that faithful day and converting it to USDT was as easy as slicing a cheese, and in no time i got my USDT and moved to binance P2P section to sell my USDT for fiat at a reasonable rate, if i had known what would’ve happened after that conversion, I would have left the trade till the next day, but instead i went on with it and was served my own share of frustration and disappointment, which could have lead to my binance wallet being blacklisted or frozen…

    I found a good buyer with so many couple of positive reviews and some share of negative reviews, so that was how i went ahead with the trade. Shortly after, i got a message from binance asking me to release usdt after confirming funds…


    Immediately I rushed to my accounts mobile app to confirm if the funds has dropped, since the seller has marked the order paid, I checked the first time and didn’t see funds, so i decided to wait for some minutes, thinking it could have been an issue with my bank’s network…

    *This was how few minutes of waiting turned into 4 hours of waiting, and before i knew it, the buyer had already taken the order to the customer support team for appeal, his reasons were; I didn’t release USDT afyer funds has been sent successfully, and i on the other hand haven’t seen the funds yet…

    This was how this trade turned into appeal, the customer support had already been involved by then, this was after a whole day of me waiting for the funds to drop so i can release the usdt before the allocated time, this way the appeal will automatically cancel and trade will be successful…

    Day one, funds didn’t drop, i am talking about a cash of almost #57,000, this was around 47$ in dollars, this is something that can’t be joked with or overlooked…

    Binance CS started the appeal after the allocated hours was over, and we were asked to share a legit proof of the transaction, i was asked to share my bank balance, transaction history with some crazy rules attached to it, the craziest part of it all was that I was seeing the receipt for a successful transaction but there was no money in my account…

    I couldn’t go to the bank physically to track the transaction as per the CS request, so i had to result to calling my bank manager, all this was on day 2 (31st), i called for minutes and was held for hours, my call went through later on and i was made to understand that there is no traces of such amount of money…

    This started looking more complicated and annoying as i was supposed to have paid my a part payment to my vendor before 4th, i couldn’t do anything as usdt was frozen…

    We spent 4 days with CS because of this trade, I didn't stop calling my bank manager to confirm the payment, but nothing was found, i had to face my bank because the payment’s receipt doesn’t look falsified, so i knew it could’ve been an issue with my bank…


    Day 4, which was on the 2nd of January, I called my bank non stop and got no response from them, i went to all their social media accounts and left a message, after hours of trail, I finally got through and this was when the revelation was made that my bank had been having issues receiving funds from some banks since the last Friday, which happens to be the day the trade was made…

    In summary, I was told to wait or to travel down to the bank on the 3rd of January, since work will officially begin on that day. I was about to sleep on the 2nd night when I suddenly got a credit alert of 56K in my account, and immediately i ran to my binance and asked CS to release asset, and that was how everything was resolved, i wonder what would have happened to the asset if i had not gotten the money on time…

    In conclusion, everything was settled but the whole plan was in vain at the end of the day, it was my worst experience of the month, i was just happy for one thing and that was the money that later dropped after 5 days of hanging on AIR…


    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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