Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Theme: Baron's Bounty Bitcoin Halving Promo Event!

in voilk β€’Β  3 months ago

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    🌟 Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! 🌟

    The Baron's Bounty Bitcoin Halving Event has begun! You have 15 days to purchase Baron Fyatt and Henchling Enforcer to earn chances for some amazing prizes. Land Plots, Runi, Alpha Packs, Beta Packs and more are up for grabs! Compete for the top 200 spots on the leaderboard to earn titles! Find the event in the Splinterlands shop and read the post for more details.

    Baron's Bounty Bitcoin Halving Promo Event!

    Here's how you can join in on the excitement:

    πŸ”₯ Spread the word about the Baron's Bounty Bitcoin Halving Promo Event!
    Find out all you need to know in the post above!

    πŸ”₯ Don't Forget the Hashtags: Whenever you share your Splinterlands content outside of the HIVE platform, remember to sprinkle it with the magical hashtags #splinterlands and #play2earn! Let's make sure the world knows what's happening in the Splinterlands universe! πŸ”₯🌍

    Where to Share:

    You can share your Splinterlands content on virtually any social media platform. Here are some examples to get started:

    • Twitter
    • Facebook
    • Instagram
    • Medium
    • YouTube
    • Publish0x
    • Tumblr
    • LinkedIn
    • Snapchat

    How to Secure an Upvote:

    • Create AMAZING Splinterlands content on the HIVE blockchain. Remember, it should revolve around Splinterlands because we want to reward our incredible community.
    • Make your content visually appealing and well-structured. Need help with formatting? Check out the ULTIMATE MARKDOWN TUTORIAL.
    • Don't forget to include your Splinterlands referral link. It's a must! You must provide your viewers/readers with a pathway to the Splinterlands. Note that battle links already include your referral.
    • Share your HIVE post to ANOTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM. TAG it with #splinterlands and #play2earn to help us get TRENDING! Include a link to your shared post and your HIVE post in a comment below.

    Contest Deadline:

    Make sure to submit your entry by Sunday at 12 pm CDT to be eligible for consideration.

    Voting Quantity:

    You can receive a MAX of 2 upvotes per week, so please limit your entries to TWO posts a week. Quality over quantity, folks! Take your time and make your entries truly awesome.

    Important Note:

    We have a strict policy against using more than one account to enter the contest. Anyone found doing so will be muted in the community and banned from all curation and future contest participation.

    Please be aware that upvotes are not guaranteed and are subject to the curator's discretion.

    Manual Curation:

    Splinterlands/steemmonsters is manually curating (upvoting) your posts! We have an amazing team of community curators, and official team members can also upvote your content. We work together to upvote in the order of entry, and sometimes we might get a little behind to ensure we can provide larger upvote values. So, make sure you drop your links within a day or two of posting.

    If you ever have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out. And as always, thank you for creating amazing content and sharing Splinterlands with the world!

    Curators are rewarded with higher upvotes on their posts and can submit up to three posts per week instead of two. This is our way of saying "Thank you!" for your fantastic contributions to the Splinterlands community. Let's make this contest a resounding success and keep the Splinterlands excitement going strong! πŸš€πŸŒŸ #splinterlands #play2earn




    NOTE: All rewards from this post will be sent to @sps.dao.

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