My Small Problem

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    When it comes to opening up about problems, there are two types of people: those who are comfortable sharing their feelings, problems, trials, and tribulations, and those who prefer to let time heal. Some people find it very easy to share their problems with people, whether it is family members, close friends, or even strangers, others prepare to take a step back and let time heal their broken bones and fresh wounds. In my opinion, there's no one right way to deal with problems. Everyone is free to choose the approach that feels most comfortable to them.

    I find it really difficult to open up to people. I've always found it hard to talk to people about my wounds and broken bones. Although I was outspoken as a kid, in the aspect of talking about my problems, I was reserved and quiet. Trust me, dealing with things on your own is not totally bad. But of course, I understand the fact that there are pitfalls to not being able to share your problems with others. “A problem shared is half solved” right? Well, I hate to break it to you, but it doesn't work for everyone.

    I came online this morning and the first thing I did was to log in to Discord to check today’s topic. “What is your problem?'' Wow! At first, it sounded like an insult, but after reading the remaining part of the announcement, the whole thing made sense to me. “What is my problem? Interesting,” I said to myself. I had every intention of working on the post right away, but as soon as I sat down, my mind went blank. I couldn't think of a single thing to write. I decided to take a break and come back to it later, hoping that my muse would strike me with lashes of inspiration. As I mentioned earlier, I’m not used to it, better put, I'm not comfortable sharing my “big” problems, but since the topic allows sharing “small” problems, I decided to take advantage of that.


    Let’s dive right into my small problem. First off, one important thing you should know about me is that I love being comfortable. Who doesn’t? Comfort is my bliss. It is one of the things that make life worth living. The pleasure that comes with being comfortable cannot be overstated nor can it be overemphasized. My love for comfort is evident in the clothes I wear; I put on light clothes in hot weather and Vice versa. In one sentence; I loathe things that make me uncomfortable.

    Currently, my problem is HEAT! I don’t know if you agree with me that “HEAT.” Is a problem. A big one. I know I mentioned that my problem is a small one, but now that I think about it, it is a very big one. Here in my country, the weather is so hot. During the day, it feels like I’m trapped in a volcano. To escape from the undeserved punishment, I always put off my shirt, letting the breeze cool my skin. My effort to cool my body never lasts. Within a few minutes, I start dripping from head to toe like a melting ice cream on a hot afternoon (even with my shirt off.) It is as if the earth wants us to suffer for all we have been doing.

    This weather would’ve been slightly bearable if our electricity was stable. However, it isn’t. Currently, we don’t have power. We’ve not had a quantum of electricity for the past 7 days. Honestly, I should get an award for surviving this weather this long. So, there you have it. MY PROBLEM.

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