Deel or No Deel Game.. A Game Not For The Faint-Hearted ๐Ÿ˜†

in voilk โ€ขย  4 months ago

    Deel or no Deel?

    A subtle voice asked what's that? Well, it's a game!!


    How to play?

    Its usually hosted by dreemie @dreemsteem who has a very soothing voice, she's the life of the game as she cheers you up accompanied by many other audience who are watching out for you.

    This game is usually held in the dreemport discord, (deel or no deel) server and each contestants stand a chance to win a mouth watering prize worth 30,000 dreem tokens.

    It begins with you locking a particular briefcase you feel has the most dreems, you have to chose a number from 1-26 when the captain asks you to lock a briefcase.


    If you lock number 11 for instance ( I chose number 11 for this post because it was a lucky number yesterday)๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

    The captain takes number 11 away then you have 25 briefcases to open and it's best you open the briefcase with smaller dreem token in order to have a good deel from the captain.

    At first, you'll be asked to chose to unlock 6 briefcases or better still eliminate them, the lesser the dreem in them, the higher your deel.

    Once the captain offers you a deel, it's now left for you and your fate๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€ and maybe your guts to decide if it a good deel or not.

    Mind you there are different audience cheering you on.


    Some might say deel, others might say no deel that's what they feel though, so its now left for you to decide what you want.


    It keeping going like that until you have just one briefcase to unlock, either you swap it with the only briefcase left or you forfeit it for the briefcase you've locked initially.


    If you feel it is a good deel then you accept the offer and if you feel it's not a good deel then you decline the offer to keep opening more briefcases.

    Yesterday @brijwhiz was the god of the game who seem to foresee what was in the briefcase๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€, we also have the game guru @dwixer who seem to give good advice on what a good deel is or not but mind you, he is not always right. ๐Ÿคฃ

    Talking about yesterday, the reason I am publishing this post was because we had so much fun during the course of the game and then we made so many fun hashtags from previous contestants.

    Let's start with #remembermerit, she was the contestant to walk away with 0.003 dreem tokens about a month ago hahaha.

    She declined so many good deel from the captain and ended up with 0.03 dreems๐Ÿคฃ.

    The captain offered her the choice of opening her locked briefcase or swaping it for the only briefcase left, but my darling @merit.ahama didn't choose right and then ended up with 0.03 dreems.

    Then we also made reference to #remembernkem who played last week and was asked by the captain to swap or open her locked briefcase, my dearest @nkemakonam89 decided to swap her briefcase for a briefcase which contained lesser than the one she had chosen initially with 22,500 dreemtokens. It was so heartbreaking for the audience but it's a game haha.

    So this was a reminder that this game will keep you on your toe and maybe sweaty or even silent like the last contenstant for yesterday's game @emryjobber who played yesterday and was like he was on a hot seat, we gave him the #silentemry hehe, he was so silent and focused while playing the game and the only time he spoke was when he managed to type I am tensed ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€ we kept cheering him.


    His choice wasn't looking so good at the beginning that we begin to fear that he might end up with a very small deel but his guts paid off at the end of the day cause he won 15k dreems too.


    All thanks to #secretweapon the first contenstant of yesterday's game.


    She @amberkashif opened the floor with her boldness and burning desire to go hard or go home, she was so fearless on the pursuit of reaching the 30k dreems but she eventually went home with a whooping sum of 12k dreem tokens and that made all other contenstant ready to follow her lead.


    Then came @brijwhiz the second contestant whom we tagged the #secretbrij or #weaponwhiz๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ who declined juicy offer from the captain saying if #secretweapon can do it, he can do it.



    It ended well for him too when he was asked to open or swap๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€, he made a good choice and went home with 15k dreems


    All work and no play makes the dreemers dull and that's why we do have a game day to have fun and connect with each other, wanna join in the fun next time? Then join us on all you need to do is register on the website to be a dreemer and then join the discord server.

    Gif powered by #tenor and all images are ascrenshot of my discord channek

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