Continuing with puzzle training, best way to improve your rating

in voilk •  4 days ago

    Any good chess training system deserves to have at least one part dedicated to puzzles, or to the problems that can arise on the board and that we must always be fine-tuning in every sense

    I think I've already said it, but doing these puzzles is the best way to improve our chess level, I've experienced it and I recommend it in the same way that I recommend learning openings


    I don't usually increase the rating too much in these exercises and normally I do them I do it knowing that many times I will do them wrong, I do them against the clock to simulate being in a real game and sometimes they give us some really interesting exercises.



    My favorites are the ones that expose the endgames and positions that are complex and you have to calculate very well move by move the moves of the pieces like the king and the pawns, they are my favorites. favorites because I tend to fail a lot in the endgames when I play games, so here I have an excuse to improve that area.


    Some of these problems left me in a constant question of how I should approach the positions that were there, there is also the beauty of recognizing the positions and knowing what the position needs, do we need an offensive play or a precise one that will ensure us a future advantage? That's a question we'll be constantly asking ourselves in games and it's something we'll always be asking ourselves


    You already know how it goes with these posts, if you know the answer to any of these problems you can put it below and this time I'll be rewarding those who have the correct answer in at least 3 of these

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