new mushrooms in the garden sand

in voilk •  3 months ago

    this is my contribution to fungifriday by ewkaw

    it has not rained here since November and the soil is pure sand so we don't get many fungi growing in the ground here in southern India this hot time of year. so it is a rare event when we find new ones like i did today.

    i found it with a cashew leaf and sand on top of it.

    there were several others close by. i like the flowery appearance of this handsome one

    i don't know much about mushrooms here in India so i was not able to identify these. the dry sand gets very hot so these crack and split quickly

    if any fungi lovers recognize this i would be happy to hear about them

    i am not sure whether the skin of the cap is always so rough or it happens here because there is some fine sand embedded in them from the time they young

    they are growing under a cashew tree in the garden so i added a ripe cashew fruit complete with the "nut" hanging below. i presume the fungi are somehow connected to the cashew tree but there is also a coconut tree nearby so it is conceivable that, for example, the fungi are feeding off the coconut tree roots rather than the cashew roots

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