Into The Woods...

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Yesterday I had the chance to work with model Cazza Hoops, someone I've been wanting to work with for a while, we'd arranged the shoot a couple of months ago as I wanted to get the timing right for getting bluebells into the shot, but due to a change in location, I didn't get that, although I'm pleased with what I did get.

    Due to the weather, I couldn't put up a soft box as it was quite windy, although it wasn't as bad as we headed deeper into the woods.
    Cazza turned up in her outfit, but when she got to the location it was full of bikers, there must have been 200 bikes there at least. Myself and Richard, my photography mate saw her and told here there was a carpark at the end of the road, thankfully with no bikers in it lol.

    I had been over to the woods earlier on in the week to do some scouting for the shoot, however the path we walked up wasn't the path that I'd gone up on the previous visit, we still found a good location, sadly not the one I wanted, but still good either way.

    As mentioned previously that I wanted to do a shoot to include bluebells, but the locations I knew of meant that it would be quite a long walk to get to the woods where they are, as you simply can't park the car direct at the side of the woods, so it's a good mile and half walk one way, so taking into account of carrying lighting etc, I decided to go somewhere a bit closer to the car.

    Cazza is such a fantastic model, she's certainly a master of her craft, absolutely great to work with, this was the first model shot I've done for about 4 years, and I loved every minute of it, already thinking of ideas for another shoot with Cazza, I have to admit she has the most gorgeous eyes. I'll definitely work with her again, hopefully in the not too distant future.

    I was certainly out of my comfort zone and I really want to do more of these shoots, it did make me realise how much I couldn't work my sony camera though lol, the last time I did a shoot like this I was using Canon, but the menu system on the Sony A7iii is bad lol. We live an learn, but I do love the images that come out of this camera.

    I really hope you have liked the shots, I have so many more, but thought I'd just post a small selection of them.

    If you have made it this far, could I please ask a favour?
    I'm starting a new profile from scratch, so please could you follow me, the new handle is @dazzler75 it would certainly be appreciated.

    Thanks for reading and have a fantastic Sunday.

    All the best :-)

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