Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Battle Challenge! (Maneuvers)

in voilk •  9 days ago


    I love the idea that the Weekly Battle Challenge changed instead of featuring a monster to represent a ruleset. It is so good to do something different than usual and I hope they will continually do this in the future. The best way would be to mix these challenges, so every week would be more interesting.

    This week we need to show a ruleset, which is the Lost Magic and the way I used it to my (dis)advantage in the Battle I played. 😇

    My only problem with this new system is that it is very difficult to do battles with the specific ruleset featured for the week challenge, because it is random what you are going to get and even if you have that ruleset you need to win it somehow, which is not always easy. 😏


    Units with melee attacks gain Reach.
    Armored Strike is a melee attack. Sneak and Opportunity override reach.

    The Maneuver ruleset is one of my favorite new ruleset, because it will help a lot to use Melee attack monsters from the second position, because they will get the Reach ability.

    This will allow the use of different strategies than usual and it will be easier to surprise my opponent with a well placed Melee attack monster. 😉




    Close RangeRanged attacks may be used in the first position in battles.
    Rise of the CommonsOnly Common and Rare Monsters may be used in battles.
    ManeuverAll units gain the Reach ability.

    The mana cap was 23, which is very low and that is why I couldn't fulfill all the slots in my backline, but also my opponent couldn't fill up theirs either.

    The Close Range ability will allow both team to use any kind of Ranged attack monster if they want, because they will be able to attack from the first position as well. 💪

    The Rise of the Commons ruleset will eliminate all the Epic and Legendary monsters from the battle, so it will be easier to pick a lineup using only Common and Rare monsters.

    The Maneuver ability is the most important in this battle, because it allows all the Melee attack monsters to attack from the second position even if the couldn't attack before. 😁


    My lineup and the decision behind it!

    Lux Vega


    Lux Vega is one of my favorite Summoner, because she is a Neutral Summoner therefore she can use any Splinter she choose using her level to play with them. The only exception is not use any Dragon monster, but that is forgivable considering that I do not have to rent other summoners. 😆

    Her main power is to give +1 Speed, Armor and Health to all of her friendly monsters, which makes her truly powerful. 🙏


    Main Tank

    The Diemonshark cost 8 mana, which is quite a lot, but in return he has a lot of Speed, Armor and Health. Sadly he doesn't have any defensive capabilities apart from his high Speed, but he has a lot of attack damage i nexchange, which will be further boosted if he is damaged using his Enrage ability.

    He will be able to Retaliate the incoming Melee attacks if he manages to trigger that ability, which means he will get an extra free attack back to their attacker. The trigger chance will be 50%. 😊


    The Opportunist


    The Deeplurker is an amazing monster especially on higher levels, because he has high damage and the Demoralise ability, which is perfect for this battle to reduce the Melee attack of all the enemy monsters as long as he is alive.

    His main ability is the Opportunity, which means that he will attack the lowest Health monster. 😁


    Silencer and Healer
    Angelic Mandarin

    The Angelic Mandarin cost only three mana, which is amazing in a low mana battle like this one. He also has high Speed and one Armor thanks to Lux Vega, but moreover he has the Silence ability, which means that he will decrease the Magic attack of all the enemy monsters by one.

    His Triage ability might be handy as well, because it will heal a backline monster once in every round. 😇


    Backline Protector
    Chaos Agent

    The Chaos Agent cost only one mana, so he is an easy fit in any team, but his weakness is that he doesn't have any attack at all, so his main purpose will be to dodge and block few attacks from the enemy Sneak attack monsters if they will bring any. 😆




    Click on the picture for the replay


    My opponent brought Thaddius Brood who is a Death Summoner who gives -1 Health and Magic to all of his enemies. Moreover he is my favorite summoner in a low mana battles like this one, because he has one of the best 6 mana tank in the game. 😊

    Luckily all of my monsters were quicker than my opponent monsters, so hopefully that would mean an advantage. In the first round not much happened, because all of the monsters had some Armor to block few attacks, so let's carry on to the second round.

    The Thorns damage and the Heal ability is quite annoying on their Cursed Windeku, but luckily my Deeplurker killed him before he could Heal himself up in the beginning of the second round. 😆

    In the third round my Deeplurker killed their Ravenhood Warden, which was good, because their team lost their Inspire ability, which gave them +1 Melee attack. Losing that resulted his Silent Sha-vi to not to kill me Chaos Agent, because he lacked the damage. 😅

    In the last round my Diemonshark had 6 Melee attack damage, because of his Enrage and he was the quickest monster as well, so he attacked first and killed their Shadow Snitch, which activated his Trample ability, which resulted an extra attack and kill against their Silent Sha-vi. 😇


    I like to help new players 😉, so if you are just starting this game and you can use my referral link to sign-up and also write me a message on Discord (LordDiablooo#3750), so I will send you 100 DEC and few key cards (delegated for an entire season) to kick off your career in Splinterlands. 😊

    If you would like to use some of my dividers I have created for your blog feel free to use them following this link. 😉

    Thank you so much 🙏 that you took the time to read my Weekly Battle Challenge.
    I hope it was informative and you liked it. 🤞

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